Title: CycleCat Clip-ons w/Speedymoto Top Triple Clamp Post by: DucHead on August 27, 2008, 06:38:53 AM I have the CycleCat DBR-43 setup with the lower clip-on adapters:
(http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d147/pompino/DSCN1993.jpg) If I replace my CycleCat top triple with the Speedymoto unit, will the CycleCat clip-ons work? Does anyone have this setup who's willing to share/post a pic? I'd like to see the height of the clip-ons. Thanks, Dave Title: Re: CycleCat Clip-ons w/Speedymoto Top Triple Clamp Post by: MonsterMan1036 on August 27, 2008, 07:12:55 AM I had the same setup as you but with the lower rise bars. Then I had Alex Ortner make a custom top triple and I had to put the CC under the triple.
(http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c271/billybongthorten/Foggy/11.jpg) You'll have to do the same if you go with the Speedymoto triple. Title: Re: CycleCat Clip-ons w/Speedymoto Top Triple Clamp Post by: DucHead on August 27, 2008, 10:28:45 AM ...You'll have to do the same if you go with the Speedymoto triple. If by "..do the same..." you mean go under the triple, then that's the plan. Are any changes in cable length(s) necessary? Title: Re: CycleCat Clip-ons w/Speedymoto Top Triple Clamp Post by: MonsterMan1036 on August 29, 2008, 11:46:13 AM If by "..do the same..." you mean go under the triple, then that's the plan. Are any changes in cable length(s) necessary? Yes, that is what I meant. It looks like you should be fine with you brake line lengths. Title: Re: CycleCat Clip-ons w/Speedymoto Top Triple Clamp Post by: Statler on August 29, 2008, 11:53:31 AM I have cyclecats under a speedymoto triple. stock lengths work fine. I'll find pictures if you'd like.