Title: dude- you're crimping my style; modded connector Post by: c_rex on August 27, 2008, 01:44:32 PM I was putting on my new headlight and discovered that I couldn't find my flux and was low on solder. So necessity being the mother of invention (and laziness her pimp) I decided to figure out a different way to join my wires and still be able to shrink tube them. I ended up with a solution involving a single bullet connector for each wire join. I hope someone finds this useful. If not then ignore me like my wife and kids do.
1- strip the connector; I found it easiest to remove the skirt first and the rest of the casing afterward. http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/qq218/cissell_sean/Crimpmystyle1.jpg 2- cut off the end of the bullet; if using a Dremel type tool make sure to wear gloves and eye protection please http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/qq218/cissell_sean/Crimpmystyle2.jpg 3- Shrink tube now! Classic blunder- get the wires all crimped only to realize you forgot to slip on the tubing. 4- join the wires and crimp- the wires should 'mesh' in the middle of the connector. Crimp on each end of your connector. http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/qq218/cissell_sean/Crimpmystyle3.jpg 5- test your join; slight tug on each should result in no movement. Then mount your part and test for proper function. 6- heat the shrink tubing- isolate each wire and then seal the whole assembly with a full wrap, or at least electrical tape. http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/qq218/cissell_sean/Crimpmystyle4.jpg Title: Re: dude- you're crimping my style; modded connector Post by: cbartlett419 on August 27, 2008, 01:58:57 PM let's see the headlight
Title: Re: dude- you're crimping my style; modded connector Post by: c_rex on August 27, 2008, 03:08:18 PM doh! should've linked it (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=5383.30) above but here's another pic:
(http://i33.tinypic.com/30a9ah4.jpg) Title: Re: dude- you're crimping my style; modded connector Post by: mookieo2 on August 27, 2008, 04:30:16 PM Good idea to use what you have to get the job done. They do make butt splices that do the same thing w/ out the dremel and vice. When i was working for this aerospace company we had these pieces of shrink tubing w/ low temp solder in them. You just had to place the wires in them and put it under a heat gun. It would shrink it and solder at the same time. I wish I knew where to buy them because they worked great and were soo easy.
Title: Re: dude- you're crimping my style; modded connector Post by: DucLeone on August 27, 2008, 05:36:26 PM that is a sick looking headlight
if it wouldn't be for the fact i like my fairing ,that prolly by the light of my choice Title: Re: dude- you're crimping my style; modded connector Post by: NAKID on August 27, 2008, 05:47:33 PM Good idea to use what you have to get the job done. They do make butt splices that do the same thing w/ out the dremel and vice. When i was working for this aerospace company we had these pieces of shrink tubing w/ low temp solder in them. You just had to place the wires in them and put it under a heat gun. It would shrink it and solder at the same time. I wish I knew where to buy them because they worked great and were soo easy. http://www.dsgcanusa.com/literature/bulletins/APPB_Deray_Splicemelt.pdf Title: Re: dude- you're crimping my style; modded connector Post by: DarkStaR on August 27, 2008, 05:55:31 PM You made butt connectors out of bullet connectors: ;)
(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/11o8XzLzYZL._SL160_AA160_.jpg) Title: Re: dude- you're crimping my style; modded connector Post by: jfisher2 on August 27, 2008, 06:44:37 PM yeah, these connectors are very common, they're right next to the bullet connectors at any hardware store. they are generally color coded by size (gauge of wire they're applicable for).
(http://www.westgateparts.com/pictures/butt-connectors.jpg) Title: Re: dude- you're crimping my style; modded connector Post by: c_rex on August 27, 2008, 07:34:42 PM I had some of those fully cased connectors but they don't shrink tube very well in bunches. I'll definitely look into those pre-shrinking kind though- that sounds like just the ticket. Those bare metal ones would have worked nicely too, and they'r probably exactly what's inside the fully cased connectors but I didn't feel like making the trip to the store. For some reason I have tons of those male bullet connectors and they fit the ticket perfectly. Thanks for the info guys!
Title: Re: dude- you're crimping my style; modded connector Post by: ducpainter on August 29, 2008, 03:47:14 PM funny...
it looks black. Title: Re: dude- you're crimping my style; modded connector Post by: Jarvicious on September 02, 2008, 10:27:24 AM We have a part number at work that I can order for those solder sleeves. I use them occasionally when a bit of wire on equipment breaks do to excessive use. I've soldered wire, used the butt connectors (and all sorts of crimpable connectors) and used solder sleeves and the sleeves are by far the best/easiest. Just pre-apply the shrink tubing to cover all the wiring and connectors and chuck some of these on. If anyone wants a few to play around with just pm me and pay for shipping. Props on doing what you can with what you got though.
Title: Re: dude- you're crimping my style; modded connector Post by: rinsomniacc on September 05, 2008, 06:03:10 PM if any one is interested , bmw dealers have a nice splice connector and shrink tubing. the only ones i use. a crimp tool is needed though. two sizes available.
Title: Re: dude- you're crimping my style; modded connector Post by: c_rex on September 06, 2008, 07:08:43 PM got a picture of one? cheers!