Title: More sound from 696 stock cans? Post by: Danmack_98 on August 27, 2008, 02:10:17 PM Is there any way to get more volume out of the 696's stock exhaust? My monster's coming in a couple weeks and I'm just checking my options. I know the most popular response will be to but the performance exhaust on, but I don't want to put that kind of money into it.(probably couldn't if I wanted to) On my previous bike, someone had drilled out the baffles and it greatly improved the sound. Appreciate any suggestions. Thanks
Title: Re: More sound from 696 stock cans? Post by: booger on August 28, 2008, 03:25:36 PM Don't know if anyone has found a way to core the 696 cans yet or not, but that's the direction you should go if you want more noise. Some people think cored stock cans sound better than Termis, at least on the older Monsters. Don't know about that but I do know they sound pretty good. I have been running set of partially cored S2R cans and they set off car alarms with their loud but not too loud rumbly note.
Title: Re: More sound from 696 stock cans? Post by: Danmack_98 on August 28, 2008, 03:36:53 PM Thanks, I guess I'll wait and see what people more mechanical than me think up. I don't think I want to go in hacking and screw the whole thing up.