Title: Thinking of Classic Van For Moto Transport [Kind of Moto Related] Post by: TCK! on May 08, 2008, 12:14:08 PM I think it fits here better then pure moto..
but I've been thinking of classic vans for my potential shop on wheels. I'm not so much a '70s van fan as like a '60s era. I know the handling is going to be horrid, and collision would be destruction to myself but I just like the look :D I'd need to be able to stuff a full on SBK in the back with room for all the gear as well. Anyone have any similar set ups? Title: Re: Thinking of Classic Van For Moto Transport [Kind of Moto Related] Post by: Le Pirate on May 08, 2008, 12:24:09 PM I think you should get an old VW van.
I know the motor is in the back, which means you couldn't load it through the rear doors... ...but, what if you loaded it from the front :o if the passenger side of the front of the micro bus opened up and had a loading ramp. That'd be awesome ;:| probably alot more work that you were looking at doing though... Title: Re: Thinking of Classic Van For Moto Transport [Kind of Moto Related] Post by: cyrus buelton on May 08, 2008, 12:25:48 PM Remember, Orange pulls the ladies
Title: Re: Thinking of Classic Van For Moto Transport [Kind of Moto Related] Post by: TCK! on May 08, 2008, 12:36:18 PM Remember, Orange pulls the ladies Oh but it does! Better then blue that's for sure: (http://i26.tinypic.com/1zn27g7.jpg) Title: Re: Thinking of Classic Van For Moto Transport [Kind of Moto Related] Post by: TCK! on May 08, 2008, 01:19:06 PM (http://images.truckinweb.com/events/0503_indy_29z+ford_econoline+side_view.jpg)
Title: Re: Thinking of Classic Van For Moto Transport [Kind of Moto Related] Post by: triangleforge on May 08, 2008, 01:56:57 PM Vans? We don't need no stinkin' vans:
http://jalopnik.com/377144/wrecked-civic-%252B-drag-bike--el-civico Title: Re: Thinking of Classic Van For Moto Transport [Kind of Moto Related] Post by: Speedbag on May 08, 2008, 02:13:44 PM (http://images.truckinweb.com/events/0503_indy_29z+ford_econoline+side_view.jpg) +1 wt: An old Ford Eco' was what I was gonna say. With late model EFI 5.0 power, of course. Title: Re: Thinking of Classic Van For Moto Transport [Kind of Moto Related] Post by: TCK! on May 08, 2008, 02:31:14 PM I found some local but they are all the passenger vans, and I'm kind of looking for the cargo van type... but I've got time to wait :D
Title: Re: Thinking of Classic Van For Moto Transport [Kind of Moto Related] Post by: duckwrench13 on May 08, 2008, 02:36:37 PM What about an early model Suburban? They were almost all panel sides back then... no such thing as soccer moms and SUVs when they were first produced.
I'll put the word out through my hot rodder pals too! wt: Title: Re: Thinking of Classic Van For Moto Transport [Kind of Moto Related] Post by: Grampa on May 08, 2008, 03:13:08 PM (http://www.roadclassics.de/images/ateam1.jpg)
Title: Re: Thinking of Classic Van For Moto Transport [Kind of Moto Related] Post by: MrFryMoto on May 08, 2008, 03:21:49 PM after my first track day i was toying with the idea of an old Postal jeep - with some modifications
...or a hearse with some more modifications either one would be a tight fit Title: Re: Thinking of Classic Van For Moto Transport [Kind of Moto Related] Post by: Speeddog on May 08, 2008, 03:46:12 PM Dunno when Ford adopted the Twin-I-Beam front end, but I've driven both high-mileage and new vans with that front end, and they *suck*, IMO.
It just wears you out on even a short drive. I think you can load an SBK into the side of a VW van, but it wouldn't leave much room. I think they're painfully slow even with a big$ motor. Title: Re: Thinking of Classic Van For Moto Transport [Kind of Moto Related] Post by: the_Journeyman on May 08, 2008, 04:38:57 PM Make you a "Mystery Machine"
Jm Title: Re: Thinking of Classic Van For Moto Transport [Kind of Moto Related] Post by: jimboecv on May 08, 2008, 08:34:16 PM What's the budget, Don-o?
I saw a bad ass Dodge/M.B. at a MX race. It was a 'high boy' model (you, and I mean YOU) could stand up in it, blocked out windows, plus the guy had it sorted, proper. I bet it was $50k, but considering all the rusting going on in your garage you could start saving $1/day - ala Sally Struthers style- and probibily have the dosh by the time you get your herd mobile. btw, did I mention I still love da boots? |