Title: Calling S2R front guard extension, where do I find you? Post by: madalf71 on August 31, 2008, 12:50:06 AM Hello Everyone.
Well I'm looking around to see if somebody out there makes a front guard extension. Mainly to stop water hitting the front cylinder rocker cover. Like my red guard so it's staying. I've been trolling the net for about half an hour with no luck, and searched here. Any ideas would be appreciated. Cheers Madalf. Title: Re: Calling S2R front guard extension, where do I find you? Post by: herm on August 31, 2008, 05:30:45 AM by front guard are you referring to the front fender?
and if so, why do you want to stop the water from hitting the front of the engine? just curious...? Title: Re: Calling S2R front guard extension, where do I find you? Post by: DucHead on August 31, 2008, 12:36:05 PM Here ya go. They're called Fenda Extendas. Revs Performance sells them for Monsters: http://www.revsperformance.com/pyramid/pyramid_extenda_fendas.htm
Title: Re: Calling S2R front guard extension, where do I find you? Post by: madalf71 on August 31, 2008, 01:08:04 PM Thanks Pompetta.
Yes Herm, excuse my Australian, same as front fender. Mainly interestined in keeping the front part of the engine cleaner in winter. Cheers Madalf. Title: Re: Calling S2R front guard extension, where do I find you? Post by: herm on August 31, 2008, 03:37:53 PM gotcha,...thx