Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => CAM => Topic started by: Ducatista on May 05, 2008, 03:17:45 PM

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: Ducatista on May 05, 2008, 03:17:45 PM
Thanks for taking the initiative to get this going.  It's tough when something so familiar is about to change.  It was certainly good of you and the others to give this family a new virtual home.

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: LMT on May 05, 2008, 04:09:26 PM
I will be in DC for a week starting 4 June.  Drinks would be my treat.  Going to the Red Cross HQ for a tour and NPR for a tour.  Other wise jsut hanging out with the brother in law and his wife. 

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: Slide Panda on May 05, 2008, 04:50:22 PM
(there's a beer charge for in-person responses about the forum but the answers get more animated)

Hmmm... small print.  What else should we expect from a lawyer though..

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: dolci on May 05, 2008, 05:30:20 PM
Good to be here Statler.  Thanks for getting this ready to roll!

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: Ducatista on May 05, 2008, 05:34:20 PM
And victory is mine!  The person who had this screen name before hasn't posted at all since The Crash.  Don't know when their last post was.

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: ducati culture on May 05, 2008, 07:09:55 PM
Hmmm... small print.  What else should we expect from a lawyer though..

That was funny!  ;:|

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: Statler on May 05, 2008, 07:16:10 PM
Glad you found the place, dc.


Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: zooom on May 06, 2008, 03:25:56 AM

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: RB on May 06, 2008, 06:07:46 AM

thanks to the good folks that invited me and got this rolling...oh... and hello CAMmers.

RB....was RBX

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: dolci on May 06, 2008, 06:09:51 AM

thanks to the good folks that invited me and got this rolling...oh... and hello CAMmers.

RB....was RBX

any reason for dropping the "X"?

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: zooom on May 06, 2008, 06:13:34 AM
any reason for dropping the "X"?

I bet it had to do with his renigging on his Nation of Islam conversion...like Malcolm X...only different!   ;:| :P ;D  ...Just Kiddin!

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: CoolAsIce on May 06, 2008, 08:12:58 AM
Super!!! Another forum for me to lurk on.

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: ducrider45 on May 06, 2008, 08:19:19 AM
I will be in DC for a week starting 4 June.  Drinks would be my treat.  Going to the Red Cross HQ for a tour and NPR for a tour.  Other wise jsut hanging out with the brother in law and his wife. 
I was the chief engineer at NPR. There is not much to tour. Studio 4A is cool. It is also neat to sit in on a live show. hwo are you going to tour with?

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: Duc Stamp on May 06, 2008, 08:49:52 AM
I just can't believe Ben posted before I did.

This is zilla btw.

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: Statler on May 06, 2008, 08:54:38 AM
I just can't believe Ben posted before I did.

he even beat you joining by three members, slacker.

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: RB on May 06, 2008, 10:13:40 AM
any reason for dropping the "X"?
the former DML required atleast three letters....but i like zooom's reason better.

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: Duc and Cover on May 06, 2008, 11:30:07 AM
Hi CAMers,

This is Rod, aka dcducati. I decided to get a little more witty with my screen name. Am I going to have to monitor two boards now, or is the idea to get everyone to switch over to here? Statler, is there any risk that the new owners of the DML will try to shut this down?

Maybe I'll try to get DUCNCVR as my vanity plate. Do we get 7 characters in MD?

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: dolci on May 06, 2008, 11:36:32 AM
We only get 6 in MD.....

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: zooom on May 06, 2008, 11:39:17 AM
Hi CAMers,

This is Rod, aka dcducati. I decided to get a little more witty with my screen name. Am I going to have to monitor two boards now, or is the idea to get everyone to switch over to here? Statler, is there any risk that the new owners of the DML will try to shut this down?

Maybe I'll try to get DUCNCVR as my vanity plate. Do we get 7 characters in MD?

for a short period...you may want to monitor 2 different boards...

the hopefully general idea is to get everyone we choose to engage in and around CAM things and Monsters or other Ducati things over from the DML to here because this is a board run "by enthusiasts for enthusiasts" as apposed to the DML which is now owned by and run by a Canadien advertising space selling company for profit through click counter methods...

the risk isn't that they'de try and shut it down...the risk is that they'll see the board grow and potentially try and aquire this forum as well to ad to their portfolio of boards they own for selling ad space....

6 digits/spaces in MD for a vanity motocycle tag!

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: Dragsterhund on May 06, 2008, 11:40:42 AM
Hey all... first post on DMF from afghanistan, i think

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: dolci on May 06, 2008, 11:42:28 AM
Hey all... first post on DMF from afghanistan, i think

Welcome!  glad you found us! be::

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: Statler on May 06, 2008, 11:55:09 AM
for a short period...you may want to monitor 2 different boards...

the hopefully general idea is to get everyone we choose to engage in and around CAM things and Monsters or other Ducati things over from the DML to here because this is a board run "by enthusiasts for enthusiasts" as apposed to the DML which is now owned by and run by a Canadien advertising space selling company for profit through click counter methods...

the risk isn't that they'de try and shut it down...the risk is that they'll see the board grow and potentially try and aquire this forum as well to ad to their portfolio of boards they own for selling ad space....

6 digits/spaces in MD for a vanity motocycle tag!

I'm not trying to 'steal' members, so we don't mind how many places people surf on the net.   VS may care that the core of what made the DML cool on the big boards has left.   There may not be a big difference in CAM except for layout and ads.   I'll be here and not there, but I'm not exactly tech savy so my contributions won't make much difference.

They have no recourse in terms of shutting this down.  Their unpaid moderators have moved to a different unpaid moderator gig.  The people with the technical and riding knowledge are free to post wherever they want.

Basically, make the beast with two backs VS.  If the DML had been bought by someone who actually rides a motorcycle things would be different.

OK...I'm rambling.   Click the 'why we're here' button in red at the top and read through the mission statement.   It sums it up nicely.  On the local level, we just wanted people who don't like the VS ownership a place to organize if they choose to.


Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: Duc and Cover on May 06, 2008, 12:20:59 PM
Sounds like there was some behind the scenes drama going on. How exciting! Maybe we could make some shitty mini-series on Lifetime about it?

So only 6 characters...maybe just DUCCVR? or CVDUCR; becasue the "DUC" is inside the "CVR" so it's like "Duc in Cover", which sounds like "Duc 'n Cover"? Or does that make it too obvious that I am a cryptic crossword dork?

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: Statler on May 06, 2008, 12:26:04 PM
Or does that make it too obvious that I am a cryptic crossword dork?

<finger on nose smiley>


Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: dolci on May 06, 2008, 01:32:35 PM
Or does that make it too obvious that I am a cryptic crossword dork?

ding ding ding  - we have a winner    ;:|

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: Ducatista on May 06, 2008, 02:42:07 PM
Hi, Tim here.  Or could you tell by my new screen name?   wt:


Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: eettare on May 06, 2008, 03:51:02 PM
Hello everyone, glad to see some familiar faces.....or should i say avatars!?  When will the ads be here?  Incase you couldnt tell by my name.....its Eric.

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: dolci on May 06, 2008, 03:53:51 PM
Hi, Tim here.  Or could you tell by my new screen name?   wt:

woo hooo be::

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: jetpuff716 on May 06, 2008, 04:07:38 PM
Here you guys are.   Sheesh I was getting so worried.  Ha... and you thought you could ditch me that easily.

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: dolci on May 06, 2008, 04:10:29 PM
Nahhhh - we need your voice!

*I think we need a little smilie with a microphone just for CAM*

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: RodeoClown on May 06, 2008, 04:38:37 PM
Good to see some familiar faces! Thanks for putting this together! It already feels more like home!

FWIW I like DMW over DMF especially if I was to get a sticker, but now that I type it DMF isn't so bad since I see the MF in there :e:v

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: ltnuke on May 06, 2008, 05:13:07 PM
Just checkin in.  Good to be here.

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: zooom on May 06, 2008, 05:15:55 PM
Hello everyone, glad to see some familiar faces.....or should i say avatars!?  When will the ads be here?  Incase you couldnt tell by my name.....its Eric.

Dounble E in dis shizzle yo!...werd up to ya mega muuva!

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: Lance Goodthrust on May 06, 2008, 08:09:28 PM
I just don't know if there enough ads on this site. Statler, how about random ads all over the place?

And thanks for the new home.  :wine

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: Pavrock on May 07, 2008, 05:17:00 AM
I haven't posted much lately, but I'm still around.   

(previously Captain Intensity)

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: FatguyRacer on May 07, 2008, 05:49:09 AM
Do I know you people?

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: dolci on May 07, 2008, 05:50:10 AM
Do we know you???? be::

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: zooom on May 07, 2008, 06:05:02 AM
do we even know ourselves?

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: dolci on May 07, 2008, 06:14:02 AM
do we even know ourselves?

it is way too early for philosophical discussion.... co::

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: FatguyRacer on May 07, 2008, 06:16:36 AM
Good question. Do you really know me?


Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: dolci on May 07, 2008, 06:40:50 AM
does anybody really care....

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: eettare on May 07, 2008, 06:48:18 AM
Good question. Do you really know me?


since you're the Michelin Man now John, can you get us some free tires? ;D ;D

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: FatguyRacer on May 07, 2008, 06:52:45 AM
since you're the Michelin Man now John, can you get us some free tires? ;D ;D

Sure. As long as you like Continental. I'm a Conti guy. Car, Moto and Bicycle.

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: Duc and Cover on May 07, 2008, 07:27:58 AM
I just got a great idea. Maybe I can make some money by including banner ads in my posts. Anyone interested in purchasing ad space from me?

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: tocino on May 07, 2008, 10:19:41 AM
So *this* is where the cool kids are!

I want a new name too: dcdev = RIP (besides, I don't work in D.C. any more), Long live Tocino.

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: dolci on May 07, 2008, 10:24:44 AM
dcdev = RIP  Long live Tocino.

Does this mean we'll see you at Rhodeside?

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: tocino on May 07, 2008, 10:29:02 AM
Does this mean we'll see you at Rhodeside?

If I'm lucky. Wait, I mean, you're lucky. Yeah. That's it.

It is someone's birthday so I'll have to attend. Besides, banjo got moved to Tuesdays (consolidation because of rising gas prices - no lie)

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: Statler on May 07, 2008, 01:05:25 PM
happy to see so many faces.   the only ads coming here will be like the old dml sponsors...(and actually maybe some of the old sponsors themselves).   discrete and in a corner.

we'll give financial reports because I didn't do this for money (I make enough at my job and this is a hobby)..just to cover expenses of the site and give back some cool stuff to members. 

It's all in the mission statement, but I'll wax on less than eloquently about it over drinks whenever.

for the forseable future we'll cover expenses ourselves.

I am happy it got such a nice reception from everyone.  I wasn't sure how this would go over.



Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: jdubbs32584 on May 07, 2008, 02:17:43 PM
random question, did anyone grab topspin flyer? please remind me his name....i'm old and forget easily...

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: zooom on May 07, 2008, 02:29:50 PM
random question, did anyone grab topspin flyer? please remind me his name....i'm old and forget easily...

Scott will be told at some point I am sure, if he doesn't already know....and you are old like I am a virgin!

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: jdubbs32584 on May 07, 2008, 02:31:21 PM
So...I'm really really old then.  ;D

Scott will be told at some point I am sure, if he doesn't already know....and you are old like I am a virgin!

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: Dragsterhund on May 08, 2008, 12:20:30 PM
Sure. As long as you like Continental. I'm a Conti guy. Car, Moto and Bicycle.

You look like the Stig in your picture!

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: zooom on May 08, 2008, 12:55:11 PM
Quote from: Dragsterhund
You look like the Stig in your picture!

that would be Stig's slightly portlier and larger cousin from the Southern portion of this side of the pond whom rallyed the boyz at Moroso when they came across to holiday in the South a year after Katrina.

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: bdub on May 08, 2008, 03:36:01 PM
Great site!!!!!!!!  My 24k dial up doesn't do well with a bunch of stuff to download. Thanks Statler. O by the way did you get that 944 that you were looking at  at DucPond?


Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: loudbike on May 09, 2008, 04:23:43 AM
Statler.. Thanks for pulling this together so quickly!

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: skurvy on May 09, 2008, 08:47:59 AM
nice to see everybody here  :)

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: RogueMnstr on May 09, 2008, 07:46:01 PM
Glad to see real people triumph over corporate jickwads any day of the week.

Or, long live the DMF!

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: Aikidoka on May 10, 2008, 06:43:12 PM
Woohoo!  Glad to have found everybody!  Now I just need to find more time to ride with others....

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: ducpenguin on May 12, 2008, 07:43:22 AM
I have to also say...Thanks Statler! 
I also wanted to say thanks for all of those who left bread crumbs to help all of us get here!
Oh, by the way...was tndrpngn...

Title: Re: Hello, CAMers
Post by: mraff on May 14, 2008, 01:18:50 PM
bye bye banner ads, bye bye.

thanks for the new board

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