Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => NorthWest => Topic started by: NEIKOS on September 05, 2008, 05:06:55 AM

Title: Parts is parts . . .
Post by: NEIKOS on September 05, 2008, 05:06:55 AM
Short version:

I have a friend that the family computer shit the bed ~2 weeks ago.  The kids are driving her crazy and she doesn't have $ to buy a new one.

I was gonna try to put one together for her from my "stuff" but find that I don't have nearly the collection of goodies since I left Intel.

Anyone got parts and/or a whole system they'd be interested in donating or selling cheap?

Not that beggers should be choosers but nothing older than a Pentium III system could/would utilize please.

Thanks for listening.

Title: Re: Parts is parts . . .
Post by: duc_fan on September 05, 2008, 01:28:32 PM
I have a spare P4 socket 478 2.2GHz CPU that I can part with for free.  Otherwise, I don't think I have much of anything else.  Might have a spare HDD sitting around, but I'd need to boot up my PC to clean it first... and my PSU crapped out two weeks ago.  Aerocool US is taking their sweet time issuing me an RMA number...  [bang]  I'm currently using my stoneage laptop to get by.  Old Celeron 850 with 128mb of RAM... it barely runs XP SP2, and that's with it stripped about as bare as I can get it.

Anyway, lemme know if you need the CPU.

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