The guys at DOC NSW asked me to post this on the DMF to get as many Monster owners as possible.
Hi Monster owners. We at the Ducati Owners Club of NSW would love you to bring your bikes along to the annual concourse on the 21st of Sep and enter them in the competition. We know you are passionate about your bikes and would love to have you display your machines.
The Judging guidelines have changed to make it fairer for those that like to bling there bikes up and you will be very welcome. Full details can be viewed on the D.O.C website at this link.
Warren Hayes VP of DOC of NSW
Would be great to get a good DMF contingent and am sure that some of you have a great chance of winning.
Sounds good to me. Thinking of maybe doing a run up the old highway first thing and then hit the Concourse round 10:30-11:00ish if anybody is interested in joining me.... [moto]
Hmmm, I maybe will join you T, I was planning on having a squizz anyway. I will get back to you on that.... [thumbsup]
See you guys at the show! [thumbsup] - Chris
Quote from: Big T on September 07, 2008, 04:07:54 AM
Sounds good to me. Thinking of maybe doing a run up the old highway first thing and then hit the Concourse round 10:30-11:00ish if anybody is interested in joining me.... [moto]
Yeh i may join in, havent been up them parts for yonks [thumbsup]
So this Sunday I am planning to be at the Berowa Mobile servo at 8:00am if anybody wants to join me for a ride before hitting the Concourse.
Doing the old Road ride including the sound off section. Then back round the back way (Comenarra Parkway / Lady Game Drive / Burns Bay Road) to Victoria road and Ryde (Moorang Spinal Unit grounds).
Should put us at the Concourse about 11:00am ish so can register before 12........
So who's coming along???? [moto]
I'll come along for the ride and a look at the Concourse.
Was going to enter but don't want to hag around there all day waiting.
I'm a tentative for now. Will be asking permission tonight.
Considering I will be a no go on the 29th. >:(
Guys My name is Warren im the Vice prez of the Ducati owners club of nsw
We are looking forward to having some of you guys from the monster forum so please come enter your bike even if you don't stay to the end put your pride and joy on display we would like to see no ducati's in the car park.
there is plenty of room and I know you guys are proud of your bikes
Quote from: wazzaeborman on September 16, 2008, 06:10:41 AM
Guys My name is Warren im the Vice prez of the Ducati owners club of nsw
We are looking forward to having some of you guys from the monster forum so please come enter your bike even if you don't stay to the end put your pride and joy on display we would like to see no ducati's in the car park.
there is plenty of room and I know you guys are proud of your bikes
G'day Warren....I really don't think mine is in any concourse condition. I will get laughed at. ???
Hi Waz,
I plan on displaying and hope others do too! - Chris
Quote from: Super T.I.B on September 16, 2008, 02:30:27 PM
G'day Warren....I really don't think mine is in any concourse condition. I will get laughed at. ???
nah bud you won't get laughed at all we just want to see duc's on the ground , sometimes the ridden bikes get a better score than you think please come along and stick your bike with the group
Quote from: sydmonster on September 16, 2008, 03:55:04 PM
Hi Waz,
I plan on displaying and hope others do too! - Chris
thats what I want to here guys get your monsters there after all they are 60% of ducati's sales worldwide , I will have our 2 monsters there :p
If I can escape for a second ride on sunday I'll come join for the pre-ride, otherwise I'll probably see some of you at the show, as I will be bringing ball and chain in the cage ;D
Some-one please take some photo's, 'cos me gotta work on sundays
Quote from: monstermick58 on September 16, 2008, 06:54:37 PM
Some-one please take some photo's, 'cos me gotta work on sundays
No worries Mick. I shall have my trusty G9 on hand safely carried in the boot of my Saddle Box seat (sorry had to mention the seat).... ;D
As I said in teh other thread, I'll be there. Need to clean & polish teh little beast. ;D
Quote from: wazzaeborman on September 16, 2008, 04:18:35 PM
thats what I want to here guys get your monsters there after all they are 60% of ducati's sales worldwide , I will have our 2 monsters there :p
Waz, Im assumign that there will be a modified section (as per other years)? - Chris
ps, whilst the chances are low, what is the "rained out" plan-B, i think this happened a few years back?
Quote from: sydmonster on September 17, 2008, 01:21:39 AM
Waz, Im assumign that there will be a modified section (as per other years)? - Chris
ps, whilst the chances are low, what is the "rained out" plan-B, i think this happened a few years back?
Yes sydmonster there is a modified bike section but not monster specific it for all model ducati's so thats your choice either that of the monster class we have tried to do away with some of the unpopular catergories and cater for other.
AS for being rained out it would have to be pretty bad , Lansvale was only called off a few years ago cause it was under 2ft of water , the venue at ryde has excellent drainage and should be fine it would have to be pissing down constanly to be boned.
Quote from: Big T on September 14, 2008, 08:03:02 PM
So this Sunday I am planning to be at the Berowa Mobile servo at 8:00am if anybody wants to join me for a ride before hitting the Concourse.
Doing the old Road ride including the sound off section. Then back round the back way (Comenarra Parkway / Lady Game Drive / Burns Bay Road) to Victoria road and Ryde (Moorang Spinal Unit grounds).
Should put us at the Concourse about 11:00am ish so can register before 12........
So who's coming along???? [moto]
BigT is this still happening - I am keen for a run in the morn. Will probs bring a mate on a zx10 ninja too he is keen to see the show (I think he can be converted).
Quote from: kursed on September 18, 2008, 05:26:02 PM
BigT is this still happening - I am keen for a run in the morn. Will probs bring a mate on a zx10 ninja too he is keen to see the show (I think he can be converted).
So this Sunday I am (Still) planning to be at the Berowa Mobile servo at 8:00am if anybody wants to join me for a ride before hitting the Concourse.
Doing the old Road ride including the sound off section. Then back round the back way (Comenarra Parkway / Lady Game Drive / Burns Bay Road) to Victoria road and Ryde (Moorang Spinal Unit grounds).
Should put us at the Concourse about 11:00am ish so can register before 12........
See you all either on the pre ride or at the concourse... [moto]
I'll be at Concourse.
Having the Bathurst ride next week then backing up for the Track day the Monday after is enough for me.
I'll be there 11-ish or so also,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, txt when your heading from Nth.
OK, I'm in see you there in the morning..........after breaky some time.
i got boned by stupid road closures in pyrmont tomorrow so I will not be meeting up for the morning ride - but I still going to make the concourse - see you there peeples [thumbsup]
Quote from: kursed on September 20, 2008, 03:07:42 AM
i got boned by stupid road closures in pyrmont tomorrow so I will not be meeting up for the morning ride - but I still going to make the concourse - see you there peeples [thumbsup]
No worries see you at the Concourse......
Big T, I'll see you at Berowa @8. Looking forward to a ride and some company.
Quote from: Dannog on September 20, 2008, 05:04:10 AM
Big T, I'll see you at Berowa @8. Looking forward to a ride and some company.
Excellent Dannog see you at the servo 8:00am.... [thumbsup] [moto]
Bit late notice but I'm out.
Family commitments. >:( >:( >:( >:(
Nice bikes there.
But getting marked down for having grease on your chain! (that was not my bike, it was heard of another 2V Monster)
It's a bike and I ride it, I don't spend hours cleaning it.
Horses for courses I suppose.
Okay some pics from today at the concourse.... Good turn out by DMF members and we had a great ride pre the Concourse (Julie, Betty, Dannog & me)... [moto]
thanks big t bloody great pix well done [thumbsup]
I'd have to agree with Matty. Would rather have had a quick look and then gone for a blat - hours of sitting around is not my idea of fun. That's better done at the beach - if you know what I mean [evil]
All in all good turnout by the DMF, but we like to ride our bikes not trailer them to shows.
Thanks Trev, I forgot that it was today..... :'(
But at least I got to see the photos!
Thanks to everybody for a good day today. Also good to put some more names and faces to bikes.
I don't mind the odd show ... for those that could be bothered you always have the option of a ride before or after (or both). It gives you the chance to have a good chat and check out everybody elses' bikes. Unsure on some of the judging criteria which makes it a bit frustrating when the only comments you hear are 'chain could have been cleaner, that's where points were lost' ... and no it wasn't my bike. After a three hour ride to the show I would expect any well lubed chain to be a bit grubby.
The other thing that was a little frustrating was the fact that the older bikes have so many more prizes per category. Now I admit that a good concourse bike that is 50 years old is a good thing (even if rarely used) but 4 trophies in a category lucky to have 4 bikes is taking it a bit far. In case you don't know where I am headed with this it was pretty tough with all the 2V monster present competing for one trophy.
But ..... BIG CONGRATS TO CHRIS (Sydmonster) who was a standout winner in his category.
EDIT: Apologies Gianni. BIG CONGRATS to you too on your category win.
..... and the winner of the raffle ... it is a green ticket, letter c, number ... (well it was for the first 20 tickets drawn anyway)
Thanks also for the photos guys .... and nice bike Steph (hope that is right), will be good to have another girl on some runs.
Glad it's not just me thinking these things.
We are riders not show ponies with clean chains.
Fun to be had next week, looking forward to it.
Oh and a few pics to come, my mate who was also there for 45 mins or so shooting photos of my bike with his special 15mm fisheye.
Will be interesting when I get my hands on them.
I was a good day, the best part of which was by far the ride. If they took of points for a grubby chain then that explains why my bike didn't even look like getting the trophy.
Ride Ride and Ride is what Monsters are for!
Thanks Big T, Betty and especially you Jukie. I enjoyed the outing even though every time I had the chance to glance back there was a big noisy yellow monster on my tale! Gotta lov that. [thumbsup]
Quote from: Betty on September 21, 2008, 01:22:18 AM
Thanks to everybody for a good day today. Also good to put some more names and faces to bikes.
I don't mind the odd show ... for those that could be bothered you always have the option of a ride before or after (or both). It gives you the chance to have a good chat and check out everybody elses' bikes. Unsure on some of the judging criteria which makes it a bit frustrating when the only comments you hear are 'chain could have been cleaner, that's where points were lost' ... and no it wasn't my bike. After a three hour ride to the show I would expect any well lubed chain to be a bit grubby.
The other thing that was a little frustrating was the fact that the older bikes have so many more prizes per category. Now I admit that a good concourse bike that is 50 years old is a good thing (even if rarely used) but 4 trophies in a category lucky to have 4 bikes is taking it a bit far. In case you don't know where I am headed with this it was pretty tough with all the 2V monster present competing for one trophy.
But ..... BIG CONGRATS TO CHRIS (Sydmonster) who was a standout winner in his category.
..... and the winner of the raffle ... it is a green ticket, letter c, number ... (well it was for the first 20 tickets drawn anyway)
Thanks also for the photos guys .... and nice bike Steph (hope that is right), will be good to have another girl on some runs.
yer you sometimes wonder how things are run , our little town put on a show and shine for flying doctors here and invited cars and bike clubs from all over , i got talked into taking the monster down to make numbers and of course about a hundred harleys turned up any way i won peoples choice and got a little trophy of a harley and harley davidson shield and a harlley belt buckle, they already made there minds up and the best part was i was the only other bike not to be a harley [laugh]
Quote from: MonsterDorf on September 21, 2008, 01:01:57 AM
I'd have to agree with Matty. Would rather have had a quick look and then gone for a blat - hours of sitting around is not my idea of fun. That's better done at the beach - if you know what I mean [evil]
All in all good turnout by the DMF, but we like to ride our bikes not trailer them to shows.
WELL i thought I was doing the right asking thing you all to come and well I guess it was wrong thing seems all there are doing is lot of complaining and the concours is judged on clean bikes and yes that does include " CHAINS ",
2 of the DMF members won trophy's for there bikes cause they werte the best in the class Giani and Chris bikes were clean and well done .
even my own S4RS got penalised for not enough K's and well trailering bikes to shows , well I work up to 70 hours a week to support my addiction which is DUCATI'S and well I have 6 of them cause I save and borrow the money for what bikes I want so I have to TRAILER my bikes to a show cause I can not ride 6 at once.
So if I have to trailer my 20 yr old 851 and my 2007 hyper and my 2006 S4RS do that make me a tosser ?????
thought the fact we all love ducati was a good excuse for all forms of ducati buffs to take part in a good event and to raise some money for a good cause MORONG but hey I was wrong.
disapointed WAZ
Quote from: Betty on September 21, 2008, 01:22:18 AM
Thanks to everybody for a good day today. Also good to put some more names and faces to bikes.
I don't mind the odd show ... for those that could be bothered you always have the option of a ride before or after (or both). It gives you the chance to have a good chat and check out everybody elses' bikes. Unsure on some of the judging criteria which makes it a bit frustrating when the only comments you hear are 'chain could have been cleaner, that's where points were lost' ... and no it wasn't my bike. After a three hour ride to the show I would expect any well lubed chain to be a bit grubby.
The other thing that was a little frustrating was the fact that the older bikes have so many more prizes per category. Now I admit that a good concourse bike that is 50 years old is a good thing (even if rarely used) but 4 trophies in a category lucky to have 4 bikes is taking it a bit far. In case you don't know where I am headed with this it was pretty tough with all the 2V monster present competing for one trophy.
But ..... BIG CONGRATS TO CHRIS (Sydmonster) who was a standout winner in his category.
EDIT: Apologies Gianni. BIG CONGRATS to you too on your category win.
..... and the winner of the raffle ... it is a green ticket, letter c, number ... (well it was for the first 20 tickets drawn anyway)
Thanks also for the photos guys .... and nice bike Steph (hope that is right), will be good to have another girl on some runs.
good god I have seen it all the raffle was rigged , wake up it was just a raffle to raise money for a good cause it does not go to DOC
theres no pleasing some people is there
and as for me I tell it how it is if you had not noticed
did any of you actually look at the bike that won the 2 valve catergory ???
2006 S2R with 40000kms on it !!!!!
Waz I guess you could take it as complaining but for some of us the Monster crew just like to ride.
Most of us don't have 6 bikes to choose from we have one and that one is everything to us.
So when someone says your chain is too dirty or you don't have enough k's on the clock or whatever you could only expect that it is taken
personally. But that is competition, I usually never enter anything that is subjective for those reasons.
So if you see us as complaining well that may be so but we love our Monsters and as per above
if she gets chipped for things well the owner may take it personally because that's what humans do.
Moving on.
Here are my snaps from the day, I'm feeling the pressure of you guys and your photos.
Oh the rest on my flickr as always just click and you'll find'em
Quote from: mattyvas on September 21, 2008, 05:42:21 AM
Waz I guess you could take it as complaining but for some of us it's just seeing that we as the Monster crew just like to ride.
Most of us don't have 6 bikes to choose from we have one and that one is everything to us.
So when someone says your chain is too dirty or you don't have enough k's on the clock or whatever you could only expect that it is taken
personally. But that is competition, I usually never enter anything that is subjective for those reasons.
So if you see us as complaining well that may be so but we love our Monsters and as per above
if she gets chipped for things well the owner may take it personally because that's what humans do.
thats fine I understand you like to ride and so do I , it was a concours competition and like I said did you look at the 2 monsters that did win they were both loved and both stones chipped and both immac.
the 4 valve monster that did win I know the bike very well at it done a 2500km turismo last year and is ridden regualry and is much love by Giani who I know very well and he is a memeber of the DMF.
the 2 valve that one is stone chipped and badly and is owned by a girl.
I would have love to ahve been out for a ride today but I was there ar 7am putting gear out so the owners of all ducati's could enjoy the day the same as all the other committee members and helps and I was still there at 5 pm clearing up.
So for the poor baby with the dirty chain , put a back pack on with a can of mr sheen in it and try using it and as for me having 6 bikes what has thet got to do with anything im a TRUCK driver and that it I work hard for what I have got I chose to have 6 cause I love them and I ride them.
think i best shut up cause im the type that says what I think and most don't like that , the judging was fairer this year than it has ever been your bikes never would have got a look in 12 months ago cause bling was marked down.
We opened the rules up to attract good quality bikes which DMF have and we were happy that you came along but shit some one says the rules sucked and the raffle was rigged.
thats just not Fair and the day was for Morong too , for bikers that have been hurt and well there was one killed just 8 weeks ago it was not just to stroke people ego's about monsters , ST's or even super bikes
Hey Wazz was a great day and is the first one I have entered. Got to see lots of Dukes (which I wouldn't normally see) and some new ideas for bling for mine. Meet some new riders and discussed war stories. Bought some raffle tickets and fully support the club supporting the Moorong unit. A very worthy cause.
Appreciate all the time you and club put into an event like this. Not easy in the hectic life we all lead.
Congrats to Gianni & Chris for their wins and all the other winners..... [thumbsup]
See you all on the twisties..... [moto]
you know what the worst thing about all this is ??
that people that care and that are pasionate about ducati are critisized for trying to put on a good day for every body
Quote from: Big T on September 21, 2008, 06:04:49 AM
Hey Wazz was a great day and is the first one I have entered. Got to see lots of Dukes (which I wouldn't normally see) and some new ideas for bling for mine. Meet some new riders and discussed war stories. Bought some raffle tickets and fully support the club supporting the Moorong unit. A very worthy cause.
Appreciate all the time you and club put into an event like this. Not easy in the hectic life we all lead.
Congrats to Gianni & Chris for their wins and all the other winners..... [thumbsup]
See you all on the twisties..... [moto]
Thanks big T im glad one of you liked it and your S4R looked great , mine was the white S4RS beside yours but Giani won it fair and square his bike is nice and very well loved.
that same bike has been entered on 2 previous years and did not get a look in cause of the extra's , the judging rules were relaxed this year to attract more bikes so giani's bike was good candigate for a prize .
He was not going to enter at all I asked him too and he said it had no chance but hey he was wrong he wone !!!
If the DMF only knew who he brought it off !!! the bike has always been looked after.
Hey Waz,
Thanks for putting on a good day. It was a great turn out and I know you put a lot of work into it.
It was great to see so many Monsters out.
These types of contests are always challenging but I know DOC put a lot of effort into making it as fair as possible. I am sure they will adapt it over the years and take on the feedback as they did this year by allowing bling.
I personally was not going to enter until Waz continually encouraged me so I spent 3 hours in the morning cleaning it. I am glad I did as my bike looks better than it has in a long time. I never thought I had a chance of winning as I thought Big T's bike was the nicest. I guess it came down to the 42000 klm's I have.
I can tell you though, that I did ride down to the event, I do ride all the time, I ride it hard (even at the track) and I only have one bike which I love.
As for the people that did trailer their bikes, I only know 2 of them and they are 2 of the most passionate Ducatisti I know. They live for their Ducati's and I respect that. They ride their bikes more than most of us and whilst most of us have other hobbies and interests they spend their spare time cleaning their bikes.
Lets not let the contest get in our way of our love for Ducati's and our passion of riding with our mates.
Congratulations to all of you for having such great bikes, each with its own character and personality.
Sorry I couldn't make it.....damn shame really! I would have liked to see you guys.
Anyway, was there much of a turnout from Joe/Jill Public? It's good to see lots of bikes and the owners there but I would say it would be even better to get more of the general public to see the displays. They don't get to see real bikes often. ;)
Judging from the comments so far, it's not really about winning a dust collector, it's all about fallen riders and raising money for the spinal unit. Maybe next time you could say chain gunge is bling. I know I could have put a little sign on my front tyre saying that it's a specially made one off experimental tyre that is one side racing slick, other side street tyre. It would be a great tyre on NASCAR tracks. [cheeky]
Anyway Wazz, don't take it personally, looks like you put on a great day and we all hope you raised some cash for the spinal unit. [thumbsup]
I say well done to the DOC for such an event.
I did not get a chance to get down there but from all accounts it was a good day.
To those having a sook cause of the judging I think you should pull your head in! Its a show, Concourse infact, so you outta be marked down for grease and dirt. I have not seen many successful show cars that are dirty in my time!
Keep it in perspective, the public got a chance to see some nice bikes, charity benefitted and the judges awarded the prizes to the bikes they felt were best presented on the Day. Get over it. [beer]
hi guys - was good to see a few of you there - I didn't know who some of the others on here were, but Jukie attempted to point out a few, I'm sure I ended up talking to some of you! Was my very first concourse and my thoughts went along with how they ran it, I wasn't surprised they marked down for dirty bits on a bike, it is a concourse after all and that has always meant to me - level of factory condition and presentation. I had a listen to the judges when they went over my bike - it was pretty funny being parked next to an entirely carbon bike, but I was there to make up numbers like they asked and they told me they looked for the general condition of all parts of the bike and then rated them against the age and km of the bike.
For them to consider bling an acceptable addition to the beloved original models shows some forward thinking and at least they are trying to keep us happy considering we might come from a different perspective to the concourse 'showroom condition' lovers.
Was a great day, got lots of good photos with my new little snapper and got to see my other favourite automotive mode of transport - the Shelby cobras that were on display up the road. droooooool. It was a day of automotive PORN! [thumbsup]
Quote from: wazzaeborman on September 21, 2008, 05:59:44 AM
but shit some one says the rules sucked and the raffle was rigged.
Um, bullshit.
I think the criticism was that we didn't have a good handle on the judging criteria (or differentiation between categories). Nobody suggested the raffle was rigged, we all bought tickets ... supporting the cause without the need to crow about. When the draws were made and we were standing together as a group we had a good laugh that most tickets were green, etc, etc ... it was a joke for those present, the DMF members.
We used to be able to laugh at theses things in the past. I have found your posts far more confrontational than the so called whinging. I know a lot of work goes into organising and running these events, but try not to take it personally ... discussing these things on the forum is how we learn and it may or may not make us do things differently in the future.
If you want different people to participate in these things you have to expect different views, some of the feedback seems to indicate perhaps people may go back to parking 'outside' having a look around and buggering off for a ride ... whatever will be will be.
Quote from: Super T.I.B on September 21, 2008, 02:29:57 PM
Sorry I couldn't make it.....damn shame really! I would have liked to see you guys.
Anyway, was there much of a turnout from Joe/Jill Public? It's good to see lots of bikes and the owners there but I would say it would be even better to get more of the general public to see the displays. They don't get to see real bikes often. ;)
Judging from the comments so far, it's not really about winning a dust collector, it's all about fallen riders and raising money for the spinal unit. Maybe next time you could say chain gunge is bling. I know I could have put a little sign on my front tyre saying that it's a specially made one off experimental tyre that is one side racing slick, other side street tyre. It would be a great tyre on NASCAR tracks. [cheeky]
Anyway Wazz, don't take it personally, looks like you put on a great day and we all hope you raised some cash for the spinal unit. [thumbsup]
taa , its nice to see someone reconises the charity side of the event , not me so much but the committee puts a lot of time in for these events and it's all volenteer work.
Quote from: Betty on September 21, 2008, 04:46:50 PM
Um, bullshit.
I think the criticism was that we didn't have a good handle on the judging criteria (or differentiation between categories). Nobody suggested the raffle was rigged, we all bought tickets ... supporting the cause without the need to crow about. When the draws were made and we were standing together as a group we had a good laugh that most tickets were green, etc, etc ... it was a joke for those present, the DMF members.
We used to be able to laugh at theses things in the past. I have found your posts far more confrontational than the so called whinging. I know a lot of work goes into organising and running these events, but try not to take it personally ... discussing these things on the forum is how we learn and it may or may not make us do things differently in the future.
If you want different people to participate in these things you have to expect different views, some of the feedback seems to indicate perhaps people may go back to parking 'outside' having a look around and buggering off for a ride ... whatever will be will be.
well i was not sooking about being marked down for a dirty chain was , the rules were fair and the right bikes won for the right reasons and as for the comment about raffle the post was not written like that if you would have posted it in a joking way maybe it would have been precieved that way.
anyway im over it , the concours was fair and if want to park in car park and not have people look at your bikes go for it , we just wanted bikes to be seen not hidden.
Quote from: wazzaeborman on September 21, 2008, 06:08:47 PM
well i was not sooking about being marked down for a dirty chain was , the rules were fair and the right bikes won for the right reasons and as for the comment about raffle the post was not written like that if you would have posted it in a joking way maybe it would have been precieved that way.
anyway im over it , the concours was fair and if want to park in car park and not have people look at your bikes go for it , we just wanted bikes to be seen not hidden.
I wasn't sooking about being marked down for a dirty chain 'cos it wasn't my bike, but it is an interesting thing to call me on because I wasn't even the first to mention it here ... and it wasn't their bike either.
I have not said the rules weren't fair, just acknowledging that our understanding is a lacking .... and I most certainly have NOT suggested the judging was unfair or that the winners were not the most deserving .... but feel free to keep saying it as you see it.
At least we have something in common .... I'm over it too.
Where is all the love? :P I think that this thread may have some elements being blown somewhat out of proportion..
I came along with my GF Steph (correctomundo Mark :) ), just to check out how things worked and to drool on other peoples Dukes. Neither of us chose to enter our bikes for one reason or another, but we still had an awesome day. I hope my bikes looks as neat when it hits 40K+ Kms!
To be honest I was surprised to hear that a dirty chain lost points as well, but I've never actually been to this sort of thing before.. Is there anywhere where the judging criteria is detailed so next time anyone that chooses to show their bikes knows what to expect (and how to optimise their results)? I guess if everyone knows what to expect it lowers the likelihood issues down the track.
hugs, peace, love and mungbeans.
Quote from: craigo on September 21, 2008, 08:20:06 PM
Where is all the love? :P I think that this thread may have some elements being blown somewhat out of proportion..
I came along with my GF Steph (correctomundo Mark :) ), just to check out how things worked and to drool on other peoples Dukes. Neither of us chose to enter our bikes for one reason or another, but we still had an awesome day. I hope my bikes looks as neat when it hits 40K+ Kms!
To be honest I was surprised to hear that a dirty chain lost points as well, but I've never actually been to this sort of thing before.. Is there anywhere where the judging criteria is detailed so next time anyone that chooses to show their bikes knows what to expect (and how to optimise their results)? I guess if everyone knows what to expect it lowers the likelihood issues down the track.
hugs, peace, love and mungbeans.
Well done Craig, is kinda what I was getting at. I wasn't having a go at anyone, sorry if it came across that way.
I have been told most people don't get my weird sense of humour ... and that's without the complication of the written word. My lack of intelligence however is obvious to all.
and mmmm ...... mungbeans!
thanks to the DOC and the DMF gang, had a great day! [thumbsup] - Chris
p.s. I defaulted on the way home too!
Quote from: sydmonster on September 21, 2008, 09:58:03 PM
thanks to the DOC and the DMF gang, had a great day! [thumbsup] - Chris
p.s. I defaulted on the way home too!
Wot you mean?
Did you get booked? :P
Quote from: Super T.I.B on September 21, 2008, 10:01:57 PM
Wot you mean?
Did you get booked? :P
It's a little joke.... let me explain.
Yes, my bike did win a trophy but in the words of homer simpson, I won by the two greatest words in the english language de! fault!...
I entered my bike in the modified category. I was the only one, so I felt like a bit of a knob really. The DOC goes to a lot of trouble to accomodate as many bikes as possible and nicely enough they have a modified section, were ANY duke can enter. This year I was the only one... hence the default.
There were several bikes in other sections that could have done well too in the same section, but I think the funny tree trunk, the bugs, being at the back and my ugly head kept everyone away. ;D
- Chris
ps, it was still a great day regardless!
waz I do think you are taking it as a personal attack on you and the club.
But as has been said if you invite new people along you have to expect they will discuss there
Views after. I for one looked high and low for the criteria on the DOC website but couldn't find it. So we all live and learn feedback both positive and negative is how people learn.
In anycase I did have a great day and appreciated every bike there.
Quote from: wazzaeborman on September 21, 2008, 05:59:44 AM
think i best shut up cause im the type that says what I think and most don't like that , the judging was fairer this year than it has ever been
Hey Wazza, I think you're taking this a little personally... There were some comments by people who admit they didn't understand the rules normally associated with a "Concourse" competition, and some joking about a coincidence of the raffle draw. I honestly don't think anyone here intended to upset you the way it seems we have. Would you accept my apology on behalf of all of us?
And for the rest of us, how about we (The collective DMF Oz Monster community) consider approaching Wazza/NSWDOC about sponsoring/judging an award or two ourselves next year? (This'll a: let _us_ define the rules, and b: give everyone else a chance to whinge about how _we_ do it!)
Perhaps a "Monster Riders Best Monster Vote", where anyone who turns up riding a Monster gets to vote for any Monster (whether entered or in the parking lot), and maybe a "Most Obviously Enjoyed Ducati" where we could decide on a set of judges who'd be told to "pick the bike that _looks_ like it's owner enjoys riding it most."
I reckon _that_ could be fun!
Quote from: Dannog on September 21, 2008, 04:53:43 AM
If they took of points for a grubby chain then that explains why my bike didn't even look like getting the trophy.
Heh - I should have brought _my_ bike, I could have won for _negative_ points!
Official Judging Report: Bigiain's '99 M750
Points deducted for:
grease on chain.
grease on rear sprocket.
grease on front sprocket.
grease on front sprocket cover.
grease on chainslider.
grease on swingarm.
grease on hugger.
grease on rear shock.
grease on rear wheel.
grease on undertail.
grease on back of numberplate.
grease on engine.
grease under riders fingernails.
Points awarded for:
no grease on, ummmm, brake disks and pads...
Total Points: -11ty billion!
I will risk further offending people with the post, but it has to be said:
Apparently mileage had a big weighting Big. You may have only needed to run your little mistress through a semi-clean puddle on the way in and list your true odo reading to take out the prize.
[laugh] ;) [cheeky] :) :D ;D ;) 8) [evil] [thumbsup] [moto]
Thanks Big for the collective apology. I think your idea has merit, does that mean I have to buy the trophy? will it be a perpetual?
Quote from: sydmonster on September 21, 2008, 10:11:23 PM
There were several bikes in other sections that could have done well too in the same section, but I think the funny tree trunk, the bugs, being at the back and my ugly head kept everyone away. ;D
- Chris
There was nobody staying clear of that little part of the world, there were a LOT of people impressed by your bike .... as for your head, well don't know about that one :P but it didn't seem to keep people away.
Quote from: bigiain on September 21, 2008, 10:33:00 PM
Hey Wazza, I think you're taking this a little personally... There were some comments by people who admit they didn't understand the rules normally associated with a "Concourse" competition, and some joking about a coincidence of the raffle draw. I honestly don't think anyone here intended to upset you the way it seems we have. Would you accept my apology on behalf of all of us?
And for the rest of us, how about we (The collective DMF Oz Monster community) consider approaching Wazza/NSWDOC about sponsoring/judging an award or two ourselves next year? (This'll a: let _us_ define the rules, and b: give everyone else a chance to whinge about how _we_ do it!)
Perhaps a "Monster Riders Best Monster Vote", where anyone who turns up riding a Monster gets to vote for any Monster (whether entered or in the parking lot), and maybe a "Most Obviously Enjoyed Ducati" where we could decide on a set of judges who'd be told to "pick the bike that _looks_ like it's owner enjoys riding it most."
I reckon _that_ could be fun!
Well big im not taking things personally the people that whinged were complaining out of line the bike that won the 4 valve class derseved to win and was a DMF member and it was very ridden and clean .
The one won the 2 valve class derserved the win as well 2 yeras old and 40000km's and immac does anyone know who owns it ??????
And the judging no one bothered to come up and ask myself or anyone else we would have been happy to help after all I asked the DMF to come cause I wanted to get bikes on the grass for people to see.
There are plenty of oppurtunities for you guys to be involved , syd motorcycle show peoples choice , Motori italian at lansvale next weekend , motori italiani in may 09 , ect
I would like nothing more than to see DMF bikes at these events I know you guys love your bikes as so I love mine.
Big I want to get you guys involved with things like this because NFI and Frasers do not care about the Brand so the riders need too
OK, my 2 cents worth.
Was it a good day - yes.
Were there a bunch of nice bikes - yes.
Did I agree with the winner of the 2V Monster category - Yes, although its not my style, but well done. I knew when I saw it, that it would win.
Would I enter again - No.
Next time I'd rather go down, have a look at the bikes, have a snag and coke, spend some $$ buying some shirts, talk to a bunch of people and then go for a ride.
I guess, had I understood the rules (which I couldn't find on the web site - someone got a link?), then I could have worked out my chances, given the rego the flick and had a better day. Maybe I'm just to sensitive? Funny my wife thinks I don't have feelings, how wrong she is [roll]
Now onto my other point.
This web site is the forum for OzMonsters to exchange views - we don't always agree, but allow everyone to express an opinion. So, if we want to have a discussion on a topic, any topic (legal of course), then that's what we'll do. Don't like it, move along nothing to see here.
Congratulations to the two winners.
I should be a judge!
I saw a photo of Giannig's bike months ago and called it!
Thanks Mick well said.
That is exactly what a forum is about.
Nothing of what has been written has been directed at anyone or anything.
It has just been simply pointing out our various views of the day.
No-one got on here and said hey Waz why didn't I win, nothing was said about people disagreeing with who won either 4V or 2V classes.
Some are up for showing and some are not, the weekend sorted that out for most of us.
Happy to go along and attend this event in future and other things DOC are involved in.
Again the this is a forum for discussion and that is what we are doing, talking about the day.
Not sling'in shit about who, why and what for.
Simple as that.
Quote from: MonsterDorf on September 22, 2008, 01:05:21 AM
OK, my 2 cents worth.
Was it a good day - yes.
Were there a bunch of nice bikes - yes.
Did I agree with the winner of the 2V Monster category - Yes, although its not my style, but well done. I knew when I saw it, that it would win.
Would I enter again - No.
Next time I'd rather go down, have a look at the bikes, have a snag and coke, spend some $$ buying some shirts, talk to a bunch of people and then go for a ride.
well these comments I do not understand ; Would I enter again - No
the whole point of thing was to show off your machinery that can't be done from the carpark if if it was not going to win people still like to look and take pictures of your lovely bikes no one is forcing yu to enter and stay but please park your bikes in the line up and let people see them.
Quote from: sydmonster on September 21, 2008, 10:11:23 PM
It's a little joke.... let me explain.
Yes, my bike did win a trophy but in the words of homer simpson, I won by the two greatest words in the english language de! fault!...
I entered my bike in the modified category. I was the only one, so I felt like a bit of a knob really. The DOC goes to a lot of trouble to accomodate as many bikes as possible and nicely enough they have a modified section, were ANY duke can enter. This year I was the only one... hence the default.
There were several bikes in other sections that could have done well too in the same section, but I think the funny tree trunk, the bugs, being at the back and my ugly head kept everyone away. ;D
- Chris
chris your bike was not the only one in that catergory there was a 900ss superlite in that class too it was parked on gowies stand I pointed it out to the judge and advised thim what I thought ...... so chriss you did not win by default you won fair and square like the other mate...........waz
I'll put my bike up again. Hell if you guys all decide to stay in the parking lot and I bone up on what I need to do to present my bike properly I might even win. When I have washed the old girl see can look pretty trick! :o
Only thing I need to go next time is to remember is to bring a hat... I got so sun burnt I went to bed early to sleep it off.
Quote from: wazzaeborman on September 22, 2008, 03:04:39 AM
chris your bike was not the only one in that catergory there was a 900ss superlite in that class too it was parked on gowies stand I pointed it out to the judge and advised thim what I thought ...... so chriss you did not win by default you won fair and square like the other mate...........waz
Thanks WAZ, I didn't know that. It changes everything! Thanks again to you and DOC for putting the event on! - Chris
thanks everyone for turning up, displaying and making the day a success.
The DOC will welcome your greater involvement in the 2009 event.
Please expect a call from the Committee, when we plan our strategies, to include more of the Ducati Community, and make our Concours a bigger and better event.
More advertising is needed; bike and general press. This is a display of Ducati that is worth a greater audience.
once again, thanks.
cheers... Dutchie (aka BIG AL DOC of NSW Inc Activities Mgr)
would be good to get some more official ducati merch there on these days - certainly a solid audience of buyers, the shirt I bought seems to be of average quality - though I can't complain for $25, but I would be good to see a bigger range and some of the current catalogue of gear there at good prices for the enthusiasts.
So frasers and such aren't providing any support for these events? I thought they would jump at the chance.
Quote from: kursed on September 22, 2008, 04:35:50 PM
So frasers and such aren't providing any support for these events? I thought they would jump at the chance.
We all know that Frasers/NFI aren't really well liked around these parts.
But Frasers W'gong are pretty good. [thumbsup]
Well NFI/Frasiers did have a tent set up for us with 4 bikes to look and sit on. This included the 696, so I think they did well...
Hard to complain about that really. - Chris
Quote from: sydmonster on September 22, 2008, 08:12:41 PM
Well NFI/Frasiers did have a tent set up for us with 4 bikes to look and sit on. This included the 696, so I think they did well...
Hard to complain about that really. - Chris
I was just trying to stir some shit. ;D
Quote from: Super T.I.B on September 22, 2008, 08:32:54 PM
I was just trying to stir some shit. ;D
[popcorn] [evil] [thumbsup], yeah... I took the bait, i suck at shit stirring. ;D - Chris
talking of Ducati Dealers and all things Ducati....
Sat Nov 8th... pencil your diary.... BBQ/Maintenance Day @ Ducati Penrith from noon.
Dealers @ the Gong & Penrith are developing good reputations. Its a 2 - way street, so we show our collective support, they provide us with great service & we should all come out winners !
cheers.. Dutchie
Quote from: dutchieal on September 23, 2008, 01:45:54 AM
talking of Ducati Dealers and all things Ducati....
Sat Nov 8th... pencil your diary.... BBQ/Maintenance Day @ Ducati Penrith from noon.
Dealers @ the Gong & Penrith are developing good reputations. Its a 2 - way street, so we show our collective support, they provide us with great service & we should all come out winners !
cheers.. Dutchie
That sounds good, I might be in that. [thumbsup]
Quote from: Super T.I.B on September 22, 2008, 04:50:15 PM
We all know that Frasers/NFI aren't really well liked around these parts.
But Frasers W'gong are pretty good. [thumbsup]
+1 for the gong Frasers!
A. I live not too far away from the shop. [thumbsup]
B. Steve is a top mechanic. [thumbsup] [thumbsup]
Rob [bacon]
I would like to personally thank anyone one for turning up on this lovely day. It was so great to see everyone and even my new mate Danno. [thumbsup]
Geeeezzz lucky I didn't go I greeeeesed my chain ready for my next track day [moto]
I don't know what every one is complaining about, I thought greeeezzing and getting screwed went hand in hand [cheeky]
Who wants trophy's any way ??? although they make great door stops [thumbsup]
Quote from: Jukie on September 23, 2008, 05:47:23 PM
I would like to personally thank anyone one for turning up on this lovely day. It was so great to see everyone and even my new mate Danno. [thumbsup]
I must say Jukie, metting you face to face was every bit as terrific as I thought it would be. You a great sport and fun to kick around with.
Quote from: mattyvas on September 22, 2008, 02:49:59 AM
Thanks Mick well said.
That is exactly what a forum is about.
Nothing of what has been written has been directed at anyone or anything.
It has just been simply pointing out our various views of the day.
No-one got on here and said hey Waz why didn't I win, nothing was said about people disagreeing with who won either 4V or 2V classes.
Some are up for showing and some are not, the weekend sorted that out for most of us.
Happy to go along and attend this event in future and other things DOC are involved in.
Again the this is a forum for discussion and that is what we are doing, talking about the day.
Not sling'in shit about who, why and what for.
Simple as that.
Hey Matty got any chain cleaner ???
hey that what mine chain look like ;D
Quote from: Dannog on September 24, 2008, 12:40:23 AM
I must say Jukie, metting you face to face was every bit as terrific as I thought it would be. You a great sport and fun to kick around with.
yes and you even got you first real kiss from me :-*, it is great to have you aboard Danno :-*
Quote from: Jukie on September 24, 2008, 01:36:01 AM
hey that what mine chain look like ;D
Thats why they knocked your ride back Jukie :-\
yeh i know i just didn't give then enough money
;D ;D ;D
Quote from: Jukie on September 24, 2008, 01:44:28 AM
yeh i know i just didn't give then enough money
;D ;D ;D
Maybe we should have a DMF Concourse. The winner is the dirtiest chain. Although Big Ian may have dibs already on that.
Ok then Big Ian's out. He can be the role model [thumbsup]
no that's fine i just want and new sound off
Quote from: Dockstrada on September 24, 2008, 01:07:54 AM
Hey Matty got any chain cleaner ???
That's a hard days work!
I'll get started now...
Sounds like we all had a terriffic day..... er.. geeze guys I would have thought that we would have been happy to just put your bike on show and let the world have a look at it, like I did a couple of times when I hung with the DOCNSW crowd, shoot the breeze, tell some lies, whatever, life is to short and to complicated, thats why we ride (MONSTERS).