Title: Lobster Fest! Post by: erkishhorde on September 07, 2008, 07:59:41 AM http://www.lobsterfest.com/feasting.shtml
http://www.lobsterfestival.com/cart/ctickets.php Anybody interested? What's with the giant price difference between the San Pedro and Redondo Beach festivals? Are you getting a giant meal beside the lobster? From what I gather you can get twice as much lobster at the San Pedro festival (2.5#) for the same price as the Redondo one(2.25#). A T-shirt isn't worth the extra $25 either. Are they just hiking up the price because they know the Redondo people are good for it? [roll] Title: Re: Lobster Fest! Post by: gm2 on September 07, 2008, 11:12:57 AM Title: Re: Lobster Fest! Post by: Speeddog on September 07, 2008, 11:29:01 AM That Port of LA page doesn't show the $8 admission, so it's actually $25 by the time you get in and get the 1.25# meal.
So that leaves a difference of $5 for the T-shirt, which is pretty good. Port of LA has the $2 off coupon, so that's a little cheaper still. |