Title: Superduke headlight with stock fairing Post by: Mac_48 on September 07, 2008, 10:33:21 PM while I do love my monster I catch myself wanting to put a superduke headlight on it every time I see a pic of it.....there are only two problems with this and they are that I want to keep the stock fairing, but idk how it would look with the superduke light and idk where to get one in the first place.....do you go down to a dealer and order the thing or what? thanks for the help ;D
Title: Re: Superduke headlight with stock fairing Post by: c_rex on September 08, 2008, 10:49:40 AM Yup just head to a KTM dealer and give them your $230 or so. You could probably keep the stock fairing but you'll want to fab up some sort of space filler at least between the lower edge of the fairing and the top "half" of the headlight. Shouldn't be too hard to do really. Make one out of paper/cardboard first then use that as a template on some stock sheet metal available at Home Desperate, cut/bend/paint and apply. could look really cool!