Title: Ghirardelli Chocolate Post by: MendoDave on May 08, 2008, 04:16:22 PM I sure miss those Ghirardelli Chocolate Chunks they used to have at Trader Joes. Knawing on a piece of chocolate in one hand & 2buk chuck in the other.
MMMmmm! :wine Title: Re: Ghirardelli Chocolate Post by: FatguyRacer on May 08, 2008, 04:33:08 PM Did they stop carring them? I think I have some in my kitchen. I love the taste, but i need a pair of channel lock pliers or a ball peen hammer to break off a hunk.
Title: Re: Ghirardelli Chocolate Post by: mags on May 08, 2008, 04:43:58 PM WHAT?!?!? are you talking about the half to one pound bricks in plastic wrap? They don't have them anymore??!?! They get used in my baking all the time! Now what am I going to do??? :'(
Title: Re: Ghirardelli Chocolate Post by: Kaveh on May 08, 2008, 05:23:57 PM aww, I love me some chocolate!!! Mags knows what I'm talking about! Damn this new board, all there is Ice creme and Chocolate threads! [cheeky]
Title: Re: Ghirardelli Chocolate Post by: enzo on May 08, 2008, 06:12:58 PM mmm, made in San Leandro.
Title: Re: Ghirardelli Chocolate Post by: Sgt_H on May 08, 2008, 07:44:48 PM Two buck Chuck??? Gross!!
Ghirardelli chocolate is good :) Title: Re: Ghirardelli Chocolate Post by: jimboecv on May 08, 2008, 08:26:24 PM mmm, made in San Leandro. Just like TCK!www.scharffenberger.com That is the best hot chocolate you can buy. It's sick. Title: Re: Ghirardelli Chocolate Post by: c_rex on May 09, 2008, 09:27:14 AM the beauty of the Gnarlidelicious is that it was cheap and plentiful. The obviously superior Snarfenlotzen costs more than a $2/lb. whore- and that's just plain too much! I have hopes that T.J.'s brings the choco-lotsa back. They do take input ya know so maybe if we cannonball them with requests they'll snap to and we can continue to make our dentists happy.
Title: Re: Ghirardelli Chocolate Post by: eltristo on May 09, 2008, 09:29:23 AM c_rex nailed pretty much every point there. But man I do love the schnarf.
Title: Re: Ghirardelli Chocolate Post by: Bad Kitty on May 09, 2008, 05:18:48 PM I sure miss those Ghirardelli Chocolate Chunks they used to have at Trader Joes. Knawing on a piece of chocolate in one hand & 2buk chuck in the other. MMMmmm! :wine Thanks, now I want some!!! Title: Re: Ghirardelli Chocolate Post by: slowpoke13 on May 11, 2008, 08:10:44 AM I worked at the TJs in the WIllow's in Concord, CA. We used to seriously enjoy some TJs treats.
I remember people coming in and buying bottles of 2-buck-chuck from half a different cases, taking them to their car, sampling each one, and then buying the case from that stock. There was soo much variety case to case that people would find the one they liked. |