Title: Hokkaido Festival Post by: erkishhorde on September 10, 2008, 09:30:45 AM Some of the 'local' (Torrance and Costa Mesa) Mitsuwa markets are having their Hokkaido festival starting tomorrow.
http://www.mitsuwa.com/event/eevent.php?e=42 (http://www.mitsuwa.com/event/eevent.php?e=42) Yummy treats imported fresh from Japan. The festivals are set to run thurs-sun but most of the best goodies will probably sell out by the weekend. It seems like the different Mitsuwas have different vendors coming in too. Title: Re: Hokkaido Festival Post by: gm2 on September 10, 2008, 09:58:45 AM what is this, the food network?
Title: Re: Hokkaido Festival Post by: madmatt on September 10, 2008, 10:00:02 AM what is this, the food network? lol...no it's the OC events board [roll] Title: Re: Hokkaido Festival Post by: GregP on September 10, 2008, 01:57:53 PM Torrance isn't in the OC! [cheeky]
When I moved to SoCal I lived in Hollywood. I thought everything south of LAX was San Diego. [laugh] So just to clarify, Torrance is not the OC! [cheeky] PS Thanks for the heads up. I like that market. The Torrance one that is. Title: Re: Hokkaido Festival Post by: erkishhorde on September 10, 2008, 04:51:13 PM Hey, the lobster fest one isn't anywhere near Torrance. [roll] And neither am I. [cheeky]
Don't ya guys like to get out and get some good/ cheap food once in a while? Title: Re: Hokkaido Festival Post by: MetalDuc on September 10, 2008, 06:47:21 PM Hey, the lobster fest one isn't anywhere near Torrance. [roll] And neither am I. [cheeky] Don't ya guys like to get out and get some good/ cheap food once in a while? What are you kidding? These guys won't eat unless it is a Ricks rat burger! Well that an food from gm2s (not in Torrance) grill cooked by derby (very close to Torrance) :P [cheeky] Title: Re: Hokkaido Festival Post by: gm2 on September 10, 2008, 10:21:28 PM :)
Title: Re: Hokkaido Festival Post by: zLoki on September 11, 2008, 09:15:23 AM What you guys have enough money for food?! Clearly not spending enough on your Monsters... I live off [bacon], lots of [bacon]
Title: Re: Hokkaido Festival Post by: arai_speed on September 11, 2008, 11:15:21 AM What you guys have enough money for food?! Clearly not spending enough on your Monsters... I live off [bacon], lots of [bacon] (http://www.myspacecomedy.com/images/funny/frogSchool_bullshit.jpg) Title: Re: Hokkaido Festival Post by: erkishhorde on September 11, 2008, 02:29:02 PM Went to the Costa Mesa one for lunch today. They some good looking seafood (raw to cook at home) but there weren't really any special stuff to eat besides croquettes. I got a couple croquettes but didn't wanna make a meal out of it so I still haven't eaten them yet. Got the plain ole curry at Miyabei instead. I'm saving the croquettes for breakfast tomorrow. The ramen place was supposed to have a special soup they don't normally have though. I didn't notice that until after I got my curry so I didn't get to try it.
Beside the seafood to cook at home there wasn't much of anything special. :( I was rather disappointed. Title: Re: Hokkaido Festival Post by: Gus Duc on September 11, 2008, 10:41:46 PM Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........... yummy Japanese treats................& it's free [thumbsup]
I usually head to Gardena for that but it costs quite a bit more............. but I do get a release [laugh] |