Title: Los Angeles to Portland, Or and back. Post by: riotsquad on September 10, 2008, 02:34:02 PM Im going to be doing a Los Angeles to Portland, Or and back ride coming up in a few days. Any advice on a nice route, cool places to stop, what to bring type of stuff would be great. Im going to be on my monster riding with my boss on his HD dyna glide. Ill try to take as many pics as i can. Also making a camera mount to get as much of the cool riding captured on video.
thanks. Title: Re: Los Angeles to Portland, Or and back. Post by: jdubbs32584 on September 10, 2008, 02:35:14 PM Im going to be doing a Los Angeles to Portland, Or and back ride coming up in a few days. Any advice on a nice route, cool places to stop, what to bring type of stuff would be great. Im going to be on my monster riding with my boss on his HD dyna glide. Ill try to take as many pics as i can. Also making a camera mount to get as much of the cool riding captured on video. thanks. Post up in the Local NorthWest board. They're very helpful and nice individuals who mostly live in or around Portland. They're kinda strange tho. [thumbsup] Title: Re: Los Angeles to Portland, Or and back. Post by: Danmack_98 on September 10, 2008, 02:37:06 PM Sounds awesome! No suggestions from me except- lots 'o pics and video! Let us enjoy the trip w/ you!
Title: Re: Los Angeles to Portland, Or and back. Post by: trenner on September 11, 2008, 10:52:50 AM If you have the time for a half-day sidetrack, this ride:
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&saddr=Eugene,+Oregon&daddr=N%2FS+of+Hwy+126+(MP+45.5)+W+of+Aufderheide,+United+States+to:Cougar+Reservoir,+Oregon+to:S+Fork+Rd+%4044.094081,+-122.232468+to:S+Fork+Rd+%4043.943761,+-122.076604+to:Oakridge,+Oregon+to:Eugene,+Oregon&hl=en&geocode=11194832647909186218,44.094081,-122.232468%3B9421168768828684476,43.943761,-122.076604&mra=ls&via=3,4&sll=43.91125,-122.758484&sspn=0.462021,0.877533&ie=UTF8&ll=43.921637,-122.585449&spn=0.925859,1.163177&z=10 (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&saddr=Eugene,+Oregon&daddr=N%2FS+of+Hwy+126+(MP+45.5)+W+of+Aufderheide,+United+States+to:Cougar+Reservoir,+Oregon+to:S+Fork+Rd+%4044.094081,+-122.232468+to:S+Fork+Rd+%4043.943761,+-122.076604+to:Oakridge,+Oregon+to:Eugene,+Oregon&hl=en&geocode=11194832647909186218,44.094081,-122.232468%3B9421168768828684476,43.943761,-122.076604&mra=ls&via=3,4&sll=43.91125,-122.758484&sspn=0.462021,0.877533&ie=UTF8&ll=43.921637,-122.585449&spn=0.925859,1.163177&z=10) ...is incredible. The leg between Aufderheide and Oakridge is good quality pavement, lots of twisties, lots of long open straights, beautiful, and blessedly free of law enforcement. If you do take it, I highly recommend that you stop here for lunch, a post-ride beer, or whatever: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=local+180+oakridge&jsv=127d&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=62.958411,75.761719&ie=UTF8&latlng=43747723,-122456735,6484046824011438558&ei=J2jJSLHCAoS8jgOcq6HjCQ&cd=1 Also, Crater Lake is gorgeous, if you've got the time to head out that way. Title: Re: Los Angeles to Portland, Or and back. Post by: Grampa on September 11, 2008, 11:07:04 AM Bakersfield....home of the bp
[laugh] Title: Re: Los Angeles to Portland, Or and back. Post by: arai_speed on September 11, 2008, 11:09:06 AM You can't miss HWY 1 once you hit Monterrey...you just can't.
Title: Re: Los Angeles to Portland, Or and back. Post by: red baron on September 11, 2008, 12:20:30 PM You can't miss HWY 1 before you hit Monterrey...you just can't. fixed it. Leaving LA, Take PCH into Oxnard and meet up with the 101. Take 101 to 154 (stop at the Cold Spring Tavern for some grub). Veer off on 246 through Lompoc and take 1 into San Luis Obispo. You'll have to get back on 101 for a bit then you can join up with 1 again just outside Morro Bay, continuing up 1 through to the best parts of 1 right through Big Sur. That'll run you all the way into San Fransisco. about 20 miles outside Fort Bragg 1 ends and you'll get back on 101. Beyond that, I've never been. Places to stop Missions: San Antonio comes to mind it's a bit out of the way but worth the time. Watch out for the Elk herds. :o San Miguel what's left is cool. Carmel Santa Cruz Santa Ines Santa Clara I'm sure there's more but these I've seen. Other stuff: 17 mile drive Big Sur Mystery House Montery Aquarium Pismo Dunes Avila Beach Zeitgiest Title: Re: Los Angeles to Portland, Or and back. Post by: SolidSnake3035 on September 11, 2008, 03:08:39 PM /envy
Title: Re: Los Angeles to Portland, Or and back. Post by: Spidey on September 11, 2008, 04:30:52 PM fixed it. Leaving LA, Take PCH into Oxnard and meet up with the 101. Take 101 to 154 (stop at the Cold Spring Tavern for some grub). Veer off on 246 through Lompoc and take 1 into San Luis Obispo. You'll have to get back on 101 for a bit then you can join up with 1 again just outside Morro Bay, continuing up 1 through to the best parts of 1 right through Big Sur. That'll run you all the way into San Fransisco. about 20 miles outside Fort Bragg 1 ends and you'll get back on 101. Beyond that, I've never been. Hop off 1 at Santa Cruz and head up Hwy 9. Hit 238, 35 and 84 and Sky Londa. Do a loop or two around the hills and then pop back out on Hwy 1 at either 84 or 92. Head north. Those roads in the Santa Cruz mtns are some of the best roads you're ever gonna see so if you've got the time, take 1/2 day that part. 84 between Sky Londa (Alice's--big, big biker hangout) and Hwy 1 just rocks. Ask in the MOB for people's favorite routes in those hills. North of SF, cross the GGB. Head up Hwy 1. Either take Panoramic over Mt. Tam to Stinson or continue to take Hwy 1 to Stinson. Panoramic is a better ride, but the views from the cliffs on Hwy 1 are just epic. It's a buncha tight turns and be careful of decreasing radii. Take Hwy 1 from Stinson past Pt. Reyes at least up to Tomales. From there, I say ya keep going. There are some good inland routes north of Tomales, but I like PCH on the coast all the way up to Fort Bragg. Except for that long detour east on Skaggs Spring Road at Stewarts Point. And all those other roads. Crap, lots of many options. P.S. Hwy 1 around Big Sur on the weekend is just awful. You'll spend most of hte itme stuck behind RVs. If you can hit it during the week, you'll be much better off. Title: Re: Los Angeles to Portland, Or and back. Post by: riotsquad on September 11, 2008, 07:46:59 PM Wow. awesome guys. Thanks for all the info.
This bike is my first Ducati and I cant begin to tell you how thankful I am for this board. Ive spent the last few months just trying to catch up but knew one day I would need some help and you guys have all been great. thanks again. Just fnished the custom video cam mount. Should get some decent stuff I hope. jeff Title: Re: Los Angeles to Portland, Or and back. Post by: red baron on September 11, 2008, 08:19:49 PM Just fnished the custom video cam mount. Should get some decent stuff I hope. jeff You will be held accountable. ;D Title: Re: Los Angeles to Portland, Or and back. Post by: krolik on September 11, 2008, 08:58:28 PM Avoid I-5. :P
Take the coastal route, once you hit Oregon, you can cross the mountains on a number of roads, most of them twisty. Watch out for HWY 18, lots of police from the indian casino, along the safety corridor, to Sheridan. [leo] Stop in Pacific City and say "Hi" to Bnbmike (http://www.craftsmanbb.com/). [thumbsup] If you've some time in Portland, let us (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?board=27.0) know when you're in town. We'll get together for a beer or something. [beer] |