Title: Good eurobike magazine? Post by: Danmack_98 on September 10, 2008, 02:35:04 PM I have a subscription to "cycle world" magazine. I really like the reviews and articles, but I'm wondering if there's a more "euro-centric" magazine out there. one that focuses more on ducati, triumph, bmw, etc. Or if there's a bike magazine you subscribe to and enjoy, chime in! BTW, I live in the midwest, so any suggestions for me will have to be one I can subscribe to here. Thanks for the suggestions
Title: Re: Good eurobike magazine? Post by: lazarus7 on September 10, 2008, 03:11:53 PM http://www.fastbikesmag.com/
these guys are awesome... riders and racers and totally irreverent... i get it at local newsstand... Title: Re: Good eurobike magazine? Post by: DucDodgers on September 10, 2008, 04:12:01 PM Bike
It's a UK mag and it a little pricey but it's pretty thick and they cover many cool bikes. They just did a piece on super naked's featuring triumph s3, Aprilla Tuono, Honda CB1000R and Yama FZ1. Last month they had a v-twin shoot out RC8, 1098, 848, RSV Factory Plus they offer great riding tips Title: Re: Good eurobike magazine? Post by: Xiphias on September 10, 2008, 04:17:27 PM +1 on Bike. It has really good articles on bike maintenance ....much better than Cycleworld or Motorcyclist. Fastbikes is good too....
Title: Re: Good eurobike magazine? Post by: Fresh Pants on September 10, 2008, 04:20:56 PM +1 on BIKE
TWO is also good, direct competitor of BIKE cheeky Brit wit/humour ;D Title: Re: Good eurobike magazine? Post by: 707soldier on September 10, 2008, 04:26:23 PM Here you go
http://www.bikemagazine.co.uk/ Title: Re: Good eurobike magazine? Post by: Evil_Ductator on September 10, 2008, 06:28:54 PM Bike is also my favorite. TWO is also very good, but they changed their format last month and I'm not sure its for the better. Seems more squidly or something, and down on content.
Someone already posted bike's website, TWO is partnered with http://www.visordown.com I don't know about subscriptions, but both Barnes & Noble and Borders carry these magazines. They are $10 a crack though! But there is waaaaaay more actual content in them than the US mags, which are just repetitive listings of the specs of each new bike. The writers are actually journalists and take an even objective view, their revenue isn't generated by the big four's ads. They also write compelling pieces, not just reviews of the new bikes, but actual researched journalistic articles. And when they write ride reviews, they actual write what it feels like to ride the bike, in human terms, not just brochure copy and specs. Title: Re: Good eurobike magazine? Post by: hillbillypolack on September 10, 2008, 06:33:55 PM BIKE
It's head and shoulders above any other cycle publication. Not only do they describe in graphic and literary detail the mechanical aspects of cycles, but they give what seems to be unbiased, real world opinions about new bikes. I get it despite the higher price at the newsstand, and the educational articles are a bonus with each issue. I wish I could get a subscription which guaranteed the mag wouldn't get shredded in transit. get it, you won't be disappointed. Title: Re: Good eurobike magazine? Post by: DucatiBastard on September 10, 2008, 07:41:18 PM i have picked up a couple of "Superbike" magazine, it s a Brit mag but not the kind you're looking for i think, i got into it originally because it has half-nekkid ladies in the center spread (boobies!) the euros are much more liberal on that front... [thumbsup] but its also pricey @ the newsstand ~$10
Title: Re: Good eurobike magazine? Post by: Norm on September 11, 2008, 06:09:46 AM If you like modifications and naked bikes (and a few chicks) try "Streetfighters".
Title: Re: Good eurobike magazine? Post by: Jarvicious on September 11, 2008, 07:09:50 AM Bike is great. The Brit humor is absolutely priceless and very very subtle. I actually sat down and read one the other day at B&N with a cup of coffee and got through two hours worth (and only half the mag) before I knew it. Brilliant writing. It is kinda hard though to get used to some of the conversions (euros, kilos, etc). Pick it up. What's ten bucks when any one of us would just as soon drop 500 on a little pair or rearsets.
Title: Re: Good eurobike magazine? Post by: DucDodgers on September 11, 2008, 11:23:46 AM pick up a copy of Bike and your craps last a lot longer. Your wife will be asking, "what are you doing in there?"
Title: Re: Good eurobike magazine? Post by: geeka on September 11, 2008, 11:35:50 AM OGRI nuff said. [moto]
Title: Re: Good eurobike magazine? Post by: COWBOY on September 12, 2008, 08:46:59 AM BIKE and Ride! are the two I subscribe to. Pb, Fastbike and Two are also worth a look (and can be found at Borders or Barnes and Noble).