Title: 96 M900 Tach Post by: Mumbles on September 11, 2008, 01:08:28 PM I have a 96 M900 that only has the speedo. I would like to put on a speedo and tach combo. Has anybody done this conversion before? What other models gauge clusters would work? :-\
Title: Re: 96 M900 Tach Post by: red baron on September 11, 2008, 01:24:42 PM http://www.spatechnique.com/product_pages/tachometers.asp
Title: Re: 96 M900 Tach Post by: Grampa on September 11, 2008, 01:26:55 PM http://www.kosonorthamerica.com/
Title: Re: 96 M900 Tach Post by: knightrider on September 11, 2008, 04:28:19 PM there are alot of options, you could replace the dash entirely( www.motogadget.com or www.kosonorthamerica.com ) or you could go the DP route and get yourself a no longer produced DP gauge cluster that has a tach, i went that route, but the tach i got didnt work, i guess the dp stuff aint so great. so i replaced it with a ebay tach that was the same size. that worked for me. also check out the thread about replacement tachs here in this section, it has other great ideas.
a pic of mine, (only taken cuz i hit 25k woohoo) (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v124/SeCti0n_8/200809021602_00113.jpg) |