Title: Wall flower movin over Post by: big ed on May 08, 2008, 06:23:38 PM Well, one year and three posts back on the other side of the fence...I think I qualify as a wall flower, lurker, etc...
Maybe here I'll be a little more prolific...I'm a quarter of the way there already. Loving my first bike...S2R 800 here in NJ And...wishing Marzocchi would stop "improving" products during production runs. They can really cut into riding time while improvising. Title: Re: Wall flower movin over Post by: ltnuke on May 08, 2008, 07:31:32 PM Welcome! Lets see some pics! be::
Title: Re: Wall flower movin over Post by: c_rex on May 08, 2008, 09:20:33 PM Lurkers are spooky. Let's hear some more yappin'. :)