Title: trail tech vapor install Post by: kingmoochr on September 13, 2008, 07:28:20 PM installed a trailtech vapor since my speedo gave way, and ive got 2 problems with it. first is the tach lead. wrapping it around the wire led to inconsistent results, so i ran it to the spade on the bottom of one of the coils. seemed to be functioning properly until i got out of first then it read low rpm while i was taching and a high rpm when i wasnt? other problem is with the dash. i got the neutral light hooked up so it functions properly when the bike is on but not running. soon as the bike is running, the light no longer functions? i ran the wires for the light as direct replacements for the wires that were going to the old light. sorry if its a little cloudy and not gramatically correct, but ive been at this for a number of hours. anyone have any insight?
Title: Re: trail tech vapor install Post by: Monstermash on September 14, 2008, 08:20:38 AM Shouldn't this be in the tech section?
Title: Re: trail tech vapor install Post by: kingmoochr on September 15, 2008, 08:52:24 AM i do believe this is a question about a mod, but your insight has been invalueable. thank you. [bang]
Title: Re: trail tech vapor install Post by: m9hundo on September 15, 2008, 09:26:20 PM trail tech was supposed to supply you with some resistors for the monster application. I have the same jumpy rpm problem on mine but it bothers me none. As far as your neutral question I don't know about that one. Did you get the dash panel as well?
Title: Re: trail tech vapor install Post by: kingmoochr on September 17, 2008, 12:07:21 AM i ordered the kit they suggested from another vendor, im gonna call them tomorrow to see if something is missing. where do you have your tach lead running to? mine is TOTALLY useless as it is now, no rhyme or reason to its movement. as for the dash, i think i may have run the ground to a wire that isnt grounded while the bike is running? my friend proposed i hooked it to the neutral safety wire. im not exactly experienced at reading electrical schematics apparently. gonna try just grounding it to the triple to see if that fixes it.
Title: Re: trail tech vapor install Post by: 2001cromo on September 17, 2008, 10:04:48 AM As far as the tach goes.
You might try the "resistor" wire from Trailtech. I believe this is the one for the Raptor. Personally I'd also run it to the positive wire of the coil (for a better signal) and not wrapped around the spark plug wire. I'm no electrical engineer but this is what worked for me when I put an aftermarket tach (koso) on another bike (SV650) and at first the tach was doing the exact same thing. Once I wired it (series) into the positive of the coil and programed it accordingly it works perfectly now. For the neutral light. try running a wire directly the the neutral plug which is on the backside of the engine near the swingarms axle on the right rear side of the engine. And run the other (ground) to the frame (not the triple). Test to see if this works and go from there... Also, what year/size bike are you putting this on? HTH Title: Re: trail tech vapor install Post by: kingmoochr on September 17, 2008, 11:07:29 AM its a 97 750. called trail tech and they confirmed i need the resistor wire. it is currently hooked up to the coil, not around the wire. the neutral light functions just fine when the bike isnt running, so ive hooked up the signal wire correctly. i believe my fault lies in my ground. im going to reground everything probably today and see what happens. thanks for the replies