Title: Greetings From The Great Northwest Post by: swassociates on May 08, 2008, 08:29:50 PM Like many of you I'm an exile from MonsterList. I'm also a member of the outstanding Ducati club in the Northwest, DesmoNorthwest.com. I own a Ducati 996, and an M750 Monster. I live part time in both Seattle WA, and Bend OR. I look forward to a new and welcoming forum.
Cheers :wine Title: Re: Greetings From The Great Northwest Post by: c_rex on May 08, 2008, 09:34:56 PM Seattle AND Portland? You know you're supposed to buy your winter home somewhere sunny not in another rainy place. ;:|
Oddly though- I feel parched if it doesn't rain after a couple of weeks. I think that nearly 30 years in Seattle has me evolved into some weird creature with gills, webbed feet and moss for hair (or what's left of it). Title: Re: Greetings From The Great Northwest Post by: legrena on May 09, 2008, 03:54:46 AM Our weather may be as bad or worse than yours!! Welcome be::
Title: Re: Greetings From The Great Northwest Post by: Goldeneye on May 09, 2008, 03:58:15 AM Seattle AND Portland? You know you're supposed to buy your winter home somewhere sunny not in another rainy place. ;:| He said Seattle and Bend, Bend is High Desert. We mostly have dust in our hair. But it is low 20's this morning, gonna be a cold ride to work... Welcome dr:: Title: Re: Greetings From The Great Northwest Post by: swassociates on May 09, 2008, 05:23:25 AM And another glorious sunny weekend coming.
Title: Re: Greetings From The Great Northwest Post by: Goldeneye on May 09, 2008, 05:38:43 AM And another glorious sunny weekend coming. I sure hope so, yesterday was kind of a bust. I freeze my butt off riding to work in hopes that going home will be nice. Yesterday it was cool and sprinkled a little... Title: Re: Greetings From The Great Northwest Post by: swassociates on May 09, 2008, 07:39:51 AM I sure hope so, yesterday was kind of a bust. I freeze my butt off riding to work in hopes that going home will be nice. Yesterday it was cool and sprinkled a little... From the sounds of it you're in Bend. I'm here about 2 weeks out of every six weeks and keep my Monster here. I just did a ride a couple of days ago out towards Sisters to Fryrear Rd, then Lower Bridge Rd, then The O'Neil Hwy to Prineville, the Crooked River Hwy, then back to Bend on Alfalfa Market. About 125 miles. I'm sure there are other great rides. Know any? |