Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => NorthWest => Topic started by: ryandalling on September 16, 2008, 12:21:47 PM

Title: Hey Mother....
Post by: ryandalling on September 16, 2008, 12:21:47 PM
I was talking to the Captain of the new fire station by our house... and he indicated that some of the drivers were using iPhones for mapping calls.... cause it was better than the system they had. He said that their system was pretty good at incorporating building floor plans into the map... but at getting them to the location... the iPhone was beating it out every time. You peeps up on the mountain notice the same thing?]

I just found it odd that our EMT's had a super expensive system in their rig that they weren't really using.


Made me want to go out and get an iPhone.

By the way... how you doing? How was the South?

You gonna be at the track this weekend?

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: Mother on September 16, 2008, 01:24:44 PM
well, on the mountain we use map books that we make ourselves

after the man hours are calculated to do the mapping, paper and ink bought, computer, map making progam, and printer purchased

our mapbooks end up costing around 500 bucks a piece, with a failure rate entirely dependent on the user

in town

we use an HP Go Book with an integrated AVL, electronic mapping system, and CADS (Computer Aided Dispatching System)

each laptop computer costs around $6800.00 and the rest of the equipment with service contracts puts the bill in around 8 million

Failure rate is 100%

The computer does something called Geoverification

that mean the computer is off a few numbers every single time

sometimes upwards of 2 to 3 miles if the houses are scattered far apart

so without fail it fails 100% of the time.

Not to mention that the computer is so locked down with security and other crap

it isn't unheard of to have to do a hard reboot of the computer 8-9 times in a night

because it will just lock up and go black

a lot of poeple use the Iphone or Itouch, or bring their own Tomtom

and they are consistently more accurate..except when they do fail, they fail huge

regardless of the innaccuracy of our system or the accuracy of the smaller more modern tech

there is still the human error issue of entering info into your tomtom wrong

where as the CADS system does it all via remote

therefor the responsibility of any errors is consolidated to a single system vs. accountability being spread out to every single dewd with a hand held GPS

and it is hard to explain why you are 10-15 miles away from a call when you didn't use your issued equipment

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: ryandalling on September 16, 2008, 01:27:28 PM
Makes sense.

How you doing?

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: Mother on September 16, 2008, 01:33:30 PM
Makes sense.

How you doing?

I drank budwieser last night

so I am hungover, bloated, and my bowels are producing a non-stop stream of fumes to rival what maurice creates on a daily basis

how you doin?

you racing Sunday?

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: ryandalling on September 16, 2008, 01:42:50 PM
I wish I could race on Sunday... I may sneak some TOR 20 minutes in here or there... but I am working with Blinky picking up all the downed bikes. Very interesting work.  I am good though. I need a drink. Been a long day.

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: Visolara on September 16, 2008, 02:10:12 PM
I produce a fine rose aroma, just ask Cierra.  she actually requests I whiff it in her general direction now.

Me thinks she a keeper!

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: krolik on September 16, 2008, 05:43:04 PM
Just you wait until Lil'Desmo makes his/her appearance, then you'll be in a world of stink. ;D

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: herm on September 17, 2008, 11:09:24 PM
well, on the mountain we use map books that we make ourselves

after the man hours are calculated to do the mapping, paper and ink bought, computer, map making progam, and printer purchased

our mapbooks end up costing around 500 bucks a piece, with a failure rate entirely dependent on the user

in town

we use an HP Go Book with an integrated AVL, electronic mapping system, and CADS (Computer Aided Dispatching System)

each laptop computer costs around $6800.00 and the rest of the equipment with service contracts puts the bill in around 8 million

Failure rate is 100%

The computer does something called Geoverification

that mean the computer is off a few numbers every single time

sometimes upwards of 2 to 3 miles if the houses are scattered far apart

so without fail it fails 100% of the time.

Not to mention that the computer is so locked down with security and other crap

it isn't unheard of to have to do a hard reboot of the computer 8-9 times in a night

because it will just lock up and go black

a lot of poeple use the Iphone or Itouch, or bring their own Tomtom

and they are consistently more accurate..except when they do fail, they fail huge

regardless of the innaccuracy of our system or the accuracy of the smaller more modern tech

there is still the human error issue of entering info into your tomtom wrong

where as the CADS system does it all via remote

therefor the responsibility of any errors is consolidated to a single system vs. accountability being spread out to every single dewd with a hand held GPS

and it is hard to explain why you are 10-15 miles away from a call when you didn't use your issued equipment


Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: bnbmike on September 18, 2008, 09:00:36 AM
45º   12'   0.31"
123º 57' 37.61"

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: herm on September 18, 2008, 09:21:36 PM
N  43° 1'12.33"
W  71°36'0.13"

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: Mother on September 19, 2008, 03:18:32 AM
yeah yeah, township and stuff

I have long forgotten true mapping

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: herm on September 22, 2008, 06:07:20 PM
yeah yeah, township and stuff, range, section

I have long forgotten true mapping

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: jdubbs32584 on September 22, 2008, 06:08:36 PM
someones pokin the bear

saves me the trouble  ;)

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: Gator on September 23, 2008, 08:56:17 AM

I drank budwieser last night

so I am hungover, bloated, and my bowels are producing a non-stop stream of fumes to rival what maurice creates on a daily basis

How does it compare to the vodka at motocorsa, gin at the gypsy, pan cakes in the morning, and almost getting me evicted night?

I dont think anyone at that place has ever seen someone sweating or swearing so much at 10 am...

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: Tailgunner on September 23, 2008, 09:32:57 AM
Is 13 GB?

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: Gator on September 23, 2008, 09:53:57 AM
Is 13 GB?

Smoke and mirrors my friend...

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: Visolara on September 23, 2008, 10:34:32 AM
it took me a sec, but I realized it this morning.

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: Tailgunner on September 23, 2008, 11:08:33 AM
GB = Green Bottle  ;D

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: Gator on September 23, 2008, 01:08:37 PM
Dont you recognize the ride?

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: Tailgunner on September 23, 2008, 02:49:46 PM
I do.

There was this green bottle at Mo's. I don't know where it came from. It sells legally here now. Probably not the same  :-\ 

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: Mother on September 23, 2008, 04:26:31 PM
How does it compare to the vodka at motocorsa, gin at the gypsy, pan cakes in the morning, and almost getting me evicted night?

I dont think anyone at that place has ever seen someone sweating or swearing so much at 10 am...

make the beast with two backs me

I wanted to die that day

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: krolik on September 23, 2008, 06:42:01 PM
Hey, is it snowing up there yet? :-*

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: Gator on September 24, 2008, 04:13:56 AM
I do.

There was this green bottle at Mo's. I don't know where it came from. It sells legally here now. Probably not the same  :-\ 

Na, the stuff I sent had warmwood in it, its a hallucinogenic that is classified an narcotic in the US.
its still prohibited.

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: NEIKOS on September 24, 2008, 04:43:30 AM

Na, the stuff I sent had warmwood in it, its a hallucinogenic that is classified an narcotic in the US.
its still prohibited.

The GOOD stuff!  ;D

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: jdubbs32584 on September 24, 2008, 05:58:40 AM
Hey, is it snowing up there yet? :-*

Yup! I can't wait to come back and see some snow!!!!!

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: ryandalling on September 24, 2008, 06:30:59 AM

Na, the stuff I sent had warmwood in it, its a hallucinogenic that is classified an narcotic in the US.
its still prohibited.

Wormwood is allowed now... they just take some chemical out of it... or make sure it stays below some random parts per million level... the new stuff actually tastes pretty good... but alas... no halucinations.....

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: Visolara on September 24, 2008, 07:20:38 AM

Na, the stuff I sent had warmwood in it, its a hallucinogenic that is classified an narcotic in the US.
its still prohibited.

Stop by and you can show me how to drink it foolio!

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: ryandalling on September 24, 2008, 08:00:29 AM
Na,  I sent warmwood

Have we all grown up so much that nobody is going to make a remark about somebody sending Mo some warm wood???? I am embarassed and ashamed for all of you.  [evil]

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: Mother on September 24, 2008, 08:31:16 AM
we're just happy it wasn't another corpse

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: Visolara on September 24, 2008, 08:32:27 AM
who doesn't like sloppy seconds?

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: duc_fan on September 24, 2008, 12:05:26 PM

Na, the stuff I sent had warmwood in it, its a hallucinogenic that is classified an narcotic in the US.
its still prohibited.

Actually... the hallucinogenic effects of thujone have never been conclusively determined.

The DEA doesn't care whether Absinthe is imported or not... the issue is actually FDA regulations on products for human consumption which contain extracts from Artemisia (the plant family that Wormwood belongs to).

Anyway, the stuff that's currently legal to sell in the EU contains so little thujone that it hasn't shown to result in a drunkenness that's clinically different from other liqours.  Higher-than-EU-legal concentrations of thujone can result in tunnel vision, and lead to muscle spasms, but clinically has not been shown to induce hallucinations.

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: Tailgunner on September 24, 2008, 02:33:34 PM
What about frogs? I have licked several species of frog & toad but nothing  >:(

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: desmosome on September 24, 2008, 05:10:53 PM
I believe the majority of Thujone studies do not looked at chronic usage and hallucinations /illucinations in rodents is hard to measure.

i.e. the molecule is  hydrophillic (i.e. likes fat) so it sticks in your brain (yeah you are a fat head),

Hydrophillic molecules are slow to leave the body...

the theory is that it must accumulate before said effects are observed.

So in short, drink it everyday if you want to see the green fairy.

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: duc_fan on September 24, 2008, 05:31:19 PM
What about frogs? I have licked several species of frog & toad but nothing  >:(

There are some frogs that secrete neurotoxins which can have a hallucinogenic effect.  You'd have to look 'em up... my guess is none of those species are native to the PacNW.

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: NEIKOS on September 24, 2008, 05:41:44 PM
Drink a bottle of the good stuff by yourself in under 4 hours!

I wasn't hallucinating but sound was distorted by distance and there was a funky haze around everything I looked at.

AND I was on fire!  My body was hot and throwing off some serious BTUs.

People said I wasn't drunk - like I normally was - it was different.  It was as close to doing shrooms as . . . ummm . . . I can neither confirm nor deny having any knowledge of what it was I was about to say .  . .

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: Gator on September 25, 2008, 01:44:07 AM
Actually... the hallucinogenic effects of thujone have never been conclusively determined.

The DEA doesn't care whether Absinthe is imported or not... the issue is actually FDA regulations on products for human consumption which contain extracts from Artemisia (the plant family that Wormwood belongs to).

Anyway, the stuff that's currently legal to sell in the EU contains so little thujone that it hasn't shown to result in a drunkenness that's clinically different from other liqours.  Higher-than-EU-legal concentrations of thujone can result in tunnel vision, and lead to muscle spasms, but clinically has not been shown to induce hallucinations.

The stuff I sent is not sold in liquor stores, its of the home made variety. 

I didn't make it, you can always find some whos uncle makes Slivovice, and he will know someone who brews absinthe.

There will not be enough thujone (which comes from the wormwood) to make you cut off an ear (see; Van Gogh) but it will leave you with a "different" type of make the beast with two backsed up.

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: Betty Rage on September 25, 2008, 08:06:13 AM
I can't wait to try it. I made Mo promise to wait till the baby comes to try, and made it clear that certain death would ensue if he cracked it open before I could drink it with him.  ;D

Only a couple more weeks and I can pump enough for a couple days, find a babysitter, and crack that shit open.

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: Visolara on September 25, 2008, 08:22:55 AM
wait, what?


Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: desmosome on September 25, 2008, 08:50:37 AM

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: ryandalling on September 25, 2008, 10:04:32 AM

You just watching all the fun?

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: desmosome on September 25, 2008, 10:42:12 AM
One can only hope....

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: Mother on September 25, 2008, 07:24:58 PM
that's right

spit that little shitter out so we can have a shindig

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: Betty Rage on September 25, 2008, 08:07:04 PM
Workin on it.

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: Mother on September 25, 2008, 09:48:59 PM
Workin on it.

have you tried jumping up and down?

Title: Re: Hey Mother....
Post by: duc_fan on September 26, 2008, 10:49:21 AM

She can't have the beh-beh until the 8th.  Or was it the 5th?  Whatever bloody day I picked in the Cierra Preggers Pool...  ;)

EDIT: didn't see the due date in her sig line... I double-checked the preggers pool, my bet is on the 5th.

So there, she needs to have a 9-pounder on the 5th.

Didjoo hear that li'l Mo?

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