Title: Exactly what is invloved in "chopping" cans...? Post by: ProTeal55 on September 18, 2008, 06:04:49 AM Hey,
I am about to bite the bullet and order up a full Zard exhaust for my 07 S2R1K. And as usual with me not being able to leave anything alone, I want to chop down the cans to get them alittle "tighter" looking. I have heard/seen people do this all the time, but what is actually involved in "choppin" a can ? Is is as simple as breaking out the sawzall and re-installing the end cap of the muffler ? Do those end caps come off easily ? Pardon my "dumbness" but I want to be clear to what I am getting into before I go chopping up my $1k exhaust.. P.S --> Where's the best place to buy a full Zard system (price wise) ? As usual, ALL help is greatly appreciated... Title: Re: Exactly what is invloved in "chopping" cans...? Post by: muscle_cars_only on September 18, 2008, 08:53:06 AM I used a wet saw. measured and marked before removed from bike..
Drilled out the rivets , At this point I chose not to remove the end caps. I wanted to make sure the can was solid when the blade was cutting. put the cans in the clamp on the wet saw and cut them. I marked where the old holes were on the end caps and chose to drill new ones through the cap and can, then installed rivets. It took me all of 20 minutes start to finish. I would not recommend a sawzall. I'd use something that I was damn sure would be a straight cut. Title: Re: Exactly what is invloved in "chopping" cans...? Post by: ProTeal55 on September 18, 2008, 10:26:06 AM I was kinda thinking it was as easy as that (just wanted to make sure first) before I tore anything apart.
I will def. use a actuall saw (not a sawzall) when I make the cuts. Title: Re: Exactly what is invloved in "chopping" cans...? Post by: He Man on September 18, 2008, 02:03:54 PM I was kinda thinking it was as easy as that (just wanted to make sure first) before I tore anything apart. I will def. use a actuall saw (not a sawzall) when I make the cuts. Are the zards CF/Titanium/Other metal? Title: Re: Exactly what is invloved in "chopping" cans...? Post by: ProTeal55 on September 18, 2008, 03:58:47 PM The only ones I haveseen have been C.Fiber.
Not even sure if they make the high mount/dual exit Zards in anything but (if they do I will get those).. Title: Re: Exactly what is invloved in "chopping" cans...? Post by: Ranger06 on September 19, 2008, 06:20:33 AM what's involved in "coreing" the stock exhaust?
Title: Re: Exactly what is invloved in "chopping" cans...? Post by: He Man on September 19, 2008, 07:19:04 AM Watch out CF fibers (in air from being cut) can kill you *im serious*. Wear a face mask or have a fan blowing the other way. Those little particles cut up your lungs.
Ranger06, theres way to many guides out there about coring exhaust. Do a search. Title: Re: Exactly what is invloved in "chopping" cans...? Post by: djomlas on September 19, 2008, 07:52:51 AM on my old bike i cut a CF M4 exhaust...man i was itching for weeks.
wear good a mount of clothing and facemask (i know i will if i ever do that again) once shortened, it looked darn good, and even threw fires after around 14k RPM http://i34.tinypic.com/rmtukk.jpg Title: Re: Exactly what is invloved in "chopping" cans...? Post by: Capo on September 19, 2008, 03:09:56 PM http://www.ukmonster.co.uk/monster/showthread.php?t=29380http://
Title: Re: Exactly what is invloved in "chopping" cans...? Post by: ThelmaLou on September 20, 2008, 06:48:53 AM This might help: [thumbsup] http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=2312.0 Title: Re: Exactly what is invloved in "chopping" cans...? Post by: DarkStaR on September 20, 2008, 07:51:59 AM If the exhaust can is "cone" shaped, and you cut either end, it will not fit the end cap anymore.
If you cut the end on a "cone" shaped can, you will be changing the diameter of that end. Title: Re: Exactly what is invloved in "chopping" cans...? Post by: mxwinky on September 20, 2008, 08:12:55 PM You can both cut (shorten) and core (modify the internal baffles) to very good effect on your Monster. I've done a couple of them and it's a fun project. Before simply hacking them shorter, I'd advise removing the rivets and learning how to pull off the outer "skin" of the muffler. Once that's done you then cut the steel mesh surrounding the baffles and (usually) remove the center baffle section by sawing it out. This will allow the flow to pass straight out instead of making a u-turn in the center and passing through multiple baffles. Once you've removed the center baffle you're ready to measure and shorten the can to the length you desire, retaining the end cap for proper looks and offering a measure of back pressure necessary to retain good low-end running. After you cut it you can easily reassemble it and re-rivet it and you're done. A light coating of hi-temp sealant at all joints is a good extra step to ensure a good seal at both ends of the can. See, it's easy! I'd recommend a dremel, a 4" angle grinder equipped with a fine cutting disc, and of course a rivet tool. You can do both cans in a couple of hours, no sweat. A nice coat of PJ1 Fast Black high heat satin finish paint will give them a really nice look too, and it dries incredibly fast which is a nice bonus. How short you go is mostly personal choice, but IMO 3/4 length looks really nice and gives a very good tone. Looked great on my old 620 and my 900SS before I went with the Two Brothers carbons just because the money was burning a hole in my pocket. A good mod that's really fun. Go for it!
Title: Re: Exactly what is invloved in "chopping" cans...? Post by: Raux on September 20, 2008, 08:28:06 PM has anyone cored a 696 exhaust yet? i know you can't chop them cause they aren't straight. but is there a way to open them up for more flow?