Title: Greatings from the new State - South Florida Post by: Latinbalar on May 09, 2008, 06:10:42 AM Hey guys I'm over from the "other" place. I'm down in South Florida i ride a M620 dark. I like long walks on the beach and terroizing with my monster. I will post a pic of the bike shortly.
Title: Re: Greatings from the new State - South Florida Post by: ducati_steve on May 09, 2008, 06:14:39 AM You forgot your penchant for taking the deadly 595 to 95 offramp at speeds in excess of 100mph. mo:t:
Title: Re: Greatings from the new State - South Florida Post by: Latinbalar on May 09, 2008, 06:54:53 AM Hey i like to live my life one on-ramp at a time, i don't care about the morgate or my friends and their stupid shit.