Title: Newbie from NJ- (Ducati newbie that is ...) Post by: ducaki on May 09, 2008, 07:26:56 AM Hello all - awaiting my Ducati Monster (hopefully this weekend) ... but have had a couple of bikes from all walks of the motorcycle world. Have owned two Honda Rebels (250 and 450), CBR f4i, naked sv650, Sporster (briefly), KTM (only saw pavement :/) and I have a Ninjette in the garage now.
Just here trying to soak up Ducati info and excited to be growing with the "new" forum and the wealth of knowledge that I am sure there is and is going to be on this boards. wt: Title: Re: Newbie from NJ- (Ducati newbie that is ...) Post by: Scottish on May 13, 2008, 06:38:12 PM Post pics when ya get it. Kinda the mantra around here, "if you don't have pics it didn't happen" good luck and welcome to the sickness.