Title: Noob Post by: Cain on May 09, 2008, 07:32:43 AM Name: Cain
Location: South of Boston, People's Republic of Massachusetts Bike (s): none currently. Looking to purchace a Ducati Monster (going to dealer today... just to look of course) Looking to purchace a Honda CM400 to modify into a cafe racer If you have any recommendations for other Monsters that would be good for a novice rider please feel free to comment back. Title: Re: Noob Post by: Ducatiloo on May 09, 2008, 08:17:20 AM 695 for a brand new rider. Enough power to still have fun, but not so much power that it distracts from learning the technique.
And Welcome to the DNF Title: Re: Noob Post by: c_rex on May 09, 2008, 08:18:15 AM Not a Honda CB? Have the cool kids changed their minds? Old cafe bikes are cool no matter what they're made from though so go hog wild.
When you say novice- do you mean you've not ridden yet, it's been awhile, or what? If you've ridden before it's like falling off a bike. Hell- sometimes it IS falling off a bike. But if you haven't ridden before- get a used bike to thrash for a bit before signing away your wallet. It's a sketchy prospect to sell a first time rider a new bike. Shouldn't be done really (imo). All depends on the rider I suppose. Anyway- nice to meet you! Title: Re: Noob Post by: Ducatiloo on May 09, 2008, 08:23:29 AM +1 on that BUT if you must have a Monster and have never ridden I would go with the 695 with a pre-dented tank ;D
Title: Re: Noob Post by: herm on May 09, 2008, 03:59:34 PM CAIN!
congratulations on being member number 1000 to join the Ducati Monster Forum. being member number 1000 entitles you to the gratitude of the rest of the members here on the new best place to discuss monsters i'll buy you a beer if i ever meetcha be:: |