Title: Best Tail Light? Post by: Ranger06 on September 28, 2008, 05:44:59 PM Looking for a good, integrated turn signal/tail light. I know there are a few out there, so far, I'm leaning towards the Clear Alternatives one. Any other suggestions? Looking for quality, looks (smoke lens), and ease of installation. Any reason why I should steer clear of the CA one? Thanks
Title: Re: Best Tail Light? Post by: Bbrent on September 28, 2008, 07:17:58 PM Vizitec Tail light.
(http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n417/Bbrent_photos/IMG_7635.jpg?t=1222658089) (http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n417/Bbrent_photos/IMG_7639.jpg?t=1222658244) Title: Re: Best Tail Light? Post by: psycledelic on September 28, 2008, 10:23:11 PM I love my Clear Alternatives. It was very easy to install (I didn't need the resistors that came with it). Can't give you an accurate install time because I did my tail chop at the same time. I would guess 20 minutes, maybe. It was very straight forward. The led board is wired to a plug like the back of a stock light bulb. I drilled two holes through the backing plate of the light, ran the turn signal wires through, and followed the wiring diagram (you can check it out on the CA website). Came with good instructions.
(http://i38.tinypic.com/rb0c60.jpg) Title: Re: Best Tail Light? Post by: ProTeal55 on September 29, 2008, 09:35:15 AM I also have the clear alt. setup on my Monster.
The one negative thing I heard about the CA setup was that over time the led's would vibrate loose off the circuit board and stop working. Due to this I took some tape and basically made a "mold" around the led's and incased them in silicone to keep them rigid. Seems to be working well (3000+ miles and no issues) Title: Re: Best Tail Light? Post by: lazarus7 on September 29, 2008, 10:07:17 AM Clear Alternatives.
i installed one on my s4rs within 100 miles of purchase, and have about 10,000 miles, no exaggeration, on my 2006 speed triple with zero problems, dead bulbs/ etc.... very happy with them. Title: Re: Best Tail Light? Post by: stopintime on September 29, 2008, 02:53:18 PM I got mine from MonsterParts and have had them on for 7 k miles - no problems.
Only install issue was that the wires on the bike were connected wrong and just had to be switched back. With the ordinary bulb it wasn't an issue, but the LED board needed the wiring to be correct. I found out by looking at the instructions I got/downloaded with the Vizi-Tech brake light flasher unit. IMO the CA integrated turn signals are close to being dangerous - they are weak, therefore not at all very visible and too close to the center. Again, my 0.02 :-X Title: Re: Best Tail Light? Post by: Heath on September 29, 2008, 03:10:29 PM Vizi-tec Tail light is by far the nicest stock looking taillight. The owner is currently moving and trying set up production again.
I have the clear alternatives. I had to resolder 2 led's and all of the points where the wires connected to the resistors. No big deal for me I enjoy soldering but the quality control is lacking on them. Title: Re: Best Tail Light? Post by: Wanwo on September 30, 2008, 07:33:36 AM CA quality is maybe 7/10. It's not a very expensive board compared to Vizi-tech so maybe worth a shot.
My experience: Mine didn't work out of the box. About 25% of the LED's weren't lighting up. Sent them an email and they sent me out a fresh board. This worked alright but after a while I noticed a few tail light LED's would not light up but when I used the brake it would activate them and they'd work again. A few months after that I redid all the wiring to make sure all it was sound, wrapped it up properly and since then I've not noticed any further problems, and I check it everytime before I ride. One further thing about it, I had a clear lens but later went back to the stock red one. The orange indicator LED's show up orange no problem through the red lens. Title: Re: Best Tail Light? Post by: Ranger06 on September 30, 2008, 08:20:15 AM Thanks all,
I went and ordered the CA one. I'll just take my time with the install. It'll be a good excuse to get the soldering stuff and shrink tubing out. Joe |