Title: Anyone wanna share a 4V/1000DS shim kit? Post by: Spidey on September 30, 2008, 12:24:29 PM Title says it all. I'm going to do my valves early at some point before putting my bike on a dyno to get a custom map. The 1000 takes the same shims as a 4 valver.
Title: Anyone wanna share the cost of a 4V shim kit? Post by: Spidey on October 01, 2008, 12:19:06 PM If no one has one, lemme change the title then. datv, you reading this? Anyone else wanna go in on a 4v shim kit?
Title: Re: Anyone wanna share a 4V/1000DS shim kit? Post by: Spidey on October 14, 2008, 03:42:46 PM Anyone? Come on . . . none of you 4 valvers do your own valves?
Title: Re: Anyone wanna share a 4V/1000DS shim kit? Post by: cloudseeker on October 14, 2008, 08:05:29 PM Title says it all. I'm going to do my valves early at some point before putting my bike on a dyno to get a custom map. The 1000 takes the same shims as a 4 valver. What's the cost * 0.5? I just had mine done, so I'm not due for 6,000 more.... Title: Re: Anyone wanna share a 4V/1000DS shim kit? Post by: FogDuc on October 14, 2008, 10:05:03 PM I have a shim kit. email me if you want to borrow it. bbrown291@comcast.net
Brian B. Title: Re: Anyone wanna share a 4V/1000DS shim kit? Post by: Spidey on October 14, 2008, 10:15:07 PM Is FogDuc the artist formely known as Motobee? Inquiring minds want to know. ;)
Thanks, Brian. I'll take you up on that. I'm heading to Spain for World President's Week, so won't need it until Nov. I'll email when I get back. Thanks. Title: Re: Anyone wanna share a 4V/1000DS shim kit? Post by: FogDuc on October 14, 2008, 11:31:27 PM Yes, I was Motobee on the old list.
Title: Re: Anyone wanna share a 4V/1000DS shim kit? Post by: Spidey on July 15, 2009, 06:31:41 PM Bump.
Since Brian is indisposed ( :-[) does anyone either have a shim kit (DS/4v) I can borrow or is there anyone who wants to share the expense of one? Title: Re: Anyone wanna share a 4V/1000DS shim kit? Post by: johnc on July 15, 2009, 07:38:16 PM Bump. Since Brian is indisposed ( :-[) does anyone either have a shim kit (DS/4v) I can borrow or is there anyone who wants to share the expense of one? i don't [roll] Title: Re: Anyone wanna share a 4V/1000DS shim kit? Post by: EEL on July 31, 2009, 04:51:42 AM Its gonna be hard for anyone to share. Mike tries to put in one (each) of a range of shim sizes so the common ones are going to go quick anyways.
He ships in 2 days. Its probably more cost effective to just measure and buy the shims you need. If you measure this weekend you'll have them by wednesday. Since he lives near Sac, the shipping time is negligible. Title: Re: Anyone wanna share a 4V/1000DS shim kit? Post by: FogDuc on July 31, 2009, 09:07:10 AM Spidey was able to get my kit. He should be set with shims, as long as he doesn't need one of the sizes that I used and didn't replace.
Title: Re: Anyone wanna share a 4V/1000DS shim kit? Post by: Spidey on July 31, 2009, 01:18:38 PM Its gonna be hard for anyone to share. Mike tries to put in one (each) of a range of shim sizes so the common ones are going to go quick anyways. He ships in 2 days. Its probably more cost effective to just measure and buy the shims you need. If you measure this weekend you'll have them by wednesday. Since he lives near Sac, the shipping time is negligible. I don't see how sharing is a problem if you replace the ones you use. But thanks, EEL. Like FogDuc said, I got a hold of his kit. A couple of openers I needed were too small for what comes in the kit, so I ordered them from Mike @emsduc.com. You weren't kidding about how fast he turns 'em around. The shims showed up in the mail the next day. [thumbsup] Mostrobelle and Enzo have his rocker arm tool as well, and that thing is sooo easy to use. Another [thumbsup] Title: Re: Anyone wanna share a 4V/1000DS shim kit? Post by: EEL on August 01, 2009, 04:51:03 AM I plug him every chance I get, he deserves the business. I had a bunch of unused shims in my kit and he traded me those for the ones I needed.
[thumbsup] Title: Re: Anyone wanna share a 4V/1000DS shim kit? Post by: FogDuc on October 10, 2010, 11:09:01 PM Umm Spidey, are you done borrowing my shim kit? I'd kind of like to have it back.
Thanks, Brian Title: Re: Anyone wanna share a 4V/1000DS shim kit? Post by: Spidey on October 12, 2010, 08:04:23 AM Ah, crap, that's really bad form on my part. I totally forgot I had it. I re-ordered the shims I used and threw in a coupla of extra, so it's good as new. Do you need it immediately, or can I get it to you later this week?
Title: Re: Anyone wanna share a 4V/1000DS shim kit? Post by: FogDuc on October 14, 2010, 07:06:26 PM Later this week is just fine. If you are going to LaDucati day, you could just bring the kit and return it to me there.
Brian B. Title: Re: Anyone wanna share a 4V/1000DS shim kit? Post by: FogDuc on January 25, 2011, 10:06:55 PM Umm, Spidey can you send me my shim kit back? Thanks, Brian
My mailing address is: Brian Brown c/o Patrick Ottis Co. 1220 Tenth St. Berkeley, CA 94710 Cell 510-292-5336 |