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Local Clubs => OZ monsters => Topic started by: Ontario_Monster on October 01, 2008, 11:14:40 AM

Title: Probably should be under another heading but Oz Monsters is who I want answer
Post by: Ontario_Monster on October 01, 2008, 11:14:40 AM
Looking for IT consulting firms that have a good rep, currently working in Canada for RBC Dexia on contract and really just need a change of location.  The idea or riding year round appeals to me.  So I'm in IT, as a TSA / Informix/Netezza/Oracle DBA.  Just looking for firms to submit my resume to and see what comes of it.


And thanks for the advice. [drink]

Title: Re: Probably should be under another heading but Oz Monsters is who I want answer
Post by: Dockstrada on October 01, 2008, 12:57:04 PM
Looking for IT consulting firms that have a good rep, currently working in Canada for RBC Dexia on contract and really just need a change of location.  The idea or riding year round appeals to me.  So I'm in IT, as a TSA / Informix/Netezza/Oracle DBA.  Just looking for firms to submit my resume to and see what comes of it.


And thanks for the advice. [drink]

You looking to move to OZ ???

Title: Re: Probably should be under another heading but Oz Monsters is who I want answer
Post by: goldFiSh on October 01, 2008, 01:11:24 PM
perhaps pm mostro900 - he might have names some firns. bigiain might also be able to help

Title: Re: Probably should be under another heading but Oz Monsters is who I want answe
Post by: Big T on October 01, 2008, 01:36:30 PM
Hey drop me a line when your thinking of coming to AUS. I work for a large software house based in Sydney / Newcastle in NSW. I see your an Informix / Oracle DBA . Two of the platforms we run on....  Might be able to help....  [coffee]

Title: Re: Probably should be under another heading but Oz Monsters is who I want answer
Post by: SKOM on October 01, 2008, 03:21:27 PM
If you do end up relocating let me know. I have intimate knowledge of the mechanics for emmigrating from Canada to Oz.  ;)
Not sure about any IT firms though.

One thing to check if you get stuck is to go though a recuiter. They do all the legwork but your pay will prob be a bit less.  :-\

Title: Re: Probably should be under another heading but Oz Monsters is who I want answer
Post by: Ontario_Monster on October 02, 2008, 07:16:20 AM
Thinking of re-locating, I have a friend that went but ended up back here because he was a boob and didn't close out his business issues here first.  He raved about .... well about a number of things but the work was interesting which is a key point for me. I also have another friend who is starting the ball rolling for a move from Paris there, really right now I'm looking for contacts I know there are a lot of international firms but they often confuse things as Contracts in  North America are viewed differently than every where else (Thanks again Microsoft).

So here are my key points;

1. Work environment
2. The actual work
3. $
4. Location
5. How long do I have to close out my stuff here and prep for a move.

Thanks for the advice and commnets, I'll be getting back to some of you in the next couple of weeks.

Cheers [beer]

Title: Re: Probably should be under another heading but Oz Monsters is who I want answer
Post by: SKOM on October 02, 2008, 11:39:34 PM
FWIW Most work sponsored Visas take around 6 weeks from the time an employer nominates you.

Title: Re: Probably should be under another heading but Oz Monsters is who I want answer
Post by: ducsport on October 09, 2008, 01:38:51 AM
Onty - you will need an Aussie nickname - my company use Logica as their IT provider. Most staff seem to have a clue (unlike the last mob, EDS "Everything Done Slowly"). I don't know what Logica are like to work for however. Anyway, my two cents worth. Cheers, Ducsport

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