Title: Rizoma Clip Ons Post by: ruester007 on October 04, 2008, 01:17:44 PM I'd like to know your experience with the Rizoma clip ons, and any pics/instal hints would be greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: Rizoma Clip Ons Post by: PJFZ1 on October 29, 2008, 02:22:14 PM Oops - I think I saw that you got the answer elsewhere, Post edited.
Title: Re: Rizoma Clip Ons Post by: stopintime on October 29, 2008, 03:11:30 PM My friend has them on his S2R 800. I only sat on his bike, but the sweep back was good. I don't know if the low position is for me though.
The only adjustment made to make them fit was that the brake line banjo bolts were rotated upwards. Also, you might want some plugs to fill the empty hole if you don't have/use the fork adjusters. Title: Re: Rizoma Clip Ons Post by: KARNYC on October 30, 2008, 06:07:49 PM I have them on my S2R 1000 the seating position is great, I just completed a 300 mile run and was really comfortable. The aggressive stance only makes you to want to go faster, I was told the added weight in the front end helps the handling.
I also have Rizoma rear sets and Grips. Will post pics when I get back home from my business trip Title: Re: Rizoma Clip Ons Post by: bryant8 on October 30, 2008, 08:39:09 PM I had the Rizoma clip ons my M620 and have helped a few other do the install of theirs. It's pretty simple, take your time and you'll be fine. It's pretty straightforward once you see what you're dealing with.