Title: CRG Blindsight Mirrors Post by: psycledelic on October 05, 2008, 03:18:16 AM I just put a CRG Blindsight mirror on my bike and am really impressed with it. It is only 2 inches in diameter and advertised as a compliment to a standard set of mirrors, but I have one on the left side and am surprised by the field of view that it offers. Nice adjustability and stays in place when tightened down. Objects in the mirror ARE closer then they appear, but they work well enough to spot [leo] before you do something stupid. The best part is that they are small enough that they don't draw attention. Might not be for everyone, but if you want a small, barely noticable mirror that still offers good visibility, it might be worth checking out.
Title: Re: CRG Blindsight Mirrors Post by: ruester007 on October 05, 2008, 04:28:44 AM Pictures?
Title: Re: CRG Blindsight Mirrors Post by: scooby on October 05, 2008, 05:03:36 AM + 1 on the blindsights [thumbsup] Here they are on my scooter - I have right and left, though...
(http://applewood.smugmug.com/photos/385641125_WAFvg-L.jpg) Title: Re: CRG Blindsight Mirrors Post by: lazarus7 on October 05, 2008, 06:18:21 AM +1
got blindsights on the speed triple and both ducs.... just keep an eye on the pinch clamp inside the handlebar; after probably 7000 miles of vibrations and no checking, i looked down at my right to look back at a pass, and WHUPS, no mirror.... no complaints tho, i shouldve checked the tightness at least once or twice.... Title: Re: CRG Blindsight Mirrors Post by: desmoworks on October 05, 2008, 05:12:42 PM The craftsmanship is beautiful on these mirrors. CRG is a class act for sure.
Title: Re: CRG Blindsight Mirrors Post by: lazarus7 on October 06, 2008, 06:37:19 AM oooh wait, it gets better....
so i went back up the road and found the missing mirror laying on the ground.... some minor road rash on the ear a little scuffed, and the glass totalled of course... so i go home and call crg and ask if i can buy a replacement glass. they SENT ME A NEW FREAKIN' MIRROR. period. end of story. a whole new assembly. i cant believe i forgot that part..... ;D hell they didnt even charge me for shipping...!!!!! yeah, id go with crg. ;) ;) [thumbsup] Title: Re: CRG Blindsight Mirrors Post by: MrFryMoto on October 06, 2008, 11:40:22 AM i had blindsights on the old monster - when the guy backed into it for me, they were 'accidentally' replaced with HindSight Lane Splitters.
MUCH better view CRG makes a quality product as well the new ride came with oberons there is one on the highway by my work somewhere.... Title: Re: CRG Blindsight Mirrors Post by: sfarchie on October 26, 2008, 04:08:15 PM I'm going to take my CRG LS mirrors off my scooter and put them on my M696 as soon as I get the ends. I'll post some pics as soon as I get them on. I love these mirrors!
(http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq89/sfarchie/bitubo85-2.jpg) Title: Re: CRG Blindsight Mirrors Post by: Spicoli on October 26, 2008, 04:24:21 PM I have the CRG LS on my bike. It is amazing how much more I can see behind me and I don't have to move my arm or head to see behind me either. Since they are convex there is a little adaption time to get used to the fact that cars are a LOT close than they appear.
Also, I think they look a lot better than the stock mirrors. Highly recommend them. Best change I have made to my bike (aesthetically and functionally) Title: Re: CRG Blindsight Mirrors Post by: sfarchie on October 26, 2008, 04:29:39 PM I have the CRG LS on my bike. It is amazing how much more I can see behind me and I don't have to move my arm or head to see behind me either. Since they are convex there is a little adaption time to get used to the fact that cars are a LOT close than they appear. Also, I think they look a lot better than the stock mirrors. Highly recommend them. Best change I have made to my bike (aesthetically and functionally) Which barends did you use to mount the mirrors? I saw a couple of sliders (Cycle Cat and RhinoMoto), but I'm sure there are other options. Title: Re: CRG Blindsight Mirrors Post by: Spicoli on October 26, 2008, 07:40:18 PM Which barends did you use to mount the mirrors? I saw a couple of sliders (Cycle Cat and RhinoMoto), but I'm sure there are other options. I bought what they had at my dealer, but I really like them. They are Phillip something Group - Billet Internal Bar End Mirror Adapter Kit. These have a really nice clean look, and also narrow. I have the 3" CRG blindspot LS mirrors (http://www.jackham.net/rmcb5/DSCN0699.JPG) Title: Re: CRG Blindsight Mirrors Post by: ProTeal55 on October 27, 2008, 09:45:39 AM I also have a CRG mirror on my bike and am very happy with how it works/looks/etc..
Chicago law is you have to have one(1) mirror, so I wanted the smallest one I could find. And as said above, you can actually see a decent amount from it's small 2'' size.. CRG = [thumbsup] Title: Re: CRG Blindsight Mirrors Post by: NYCmonster on October 27, 2008, 05:56:06 PM I thought about getting them but am concern that it will take me longer to look at them down by the bar ends instead of just a quick glance with regular mirrors.
Title: Re: CRG Blindsight Mirrors Post by: Spicoli on October 27, 2008, 08:49:20 PM I thought about getting them but am concern that it will take me longer to look at them down by the bar ends instead of just a quick glance with regular mirrors. Can't speak for you... but for me, way less time to look at the CRG LS's since it is just a movement of my eye, not my arm/body. Plus with a quick glance I see 10x more of what is behind and next to/near me. Only negative I see is that objects a distance away are small, too small to make out if they are the po-po or not. If you are happy with the stock mirrors keep them. Is someone ever bumps into your bike when it is parked and breaks your stock mirrors, LMK I have a left and a right I would sell. Happened to me, stupid drunk chick at house party. [bang] Dealer asks about $100 for each one. |