Title: Sno_Duc is in town! Post by: Bick on October 06, 2008, 05:20:28 AM We will be at Falling Rock this evening @ 5:00 for the tapping party. [drink]
Title: Re: Sno_Duc is in town! Post by: sno_duc on October 07, 2008, 06:31:43 AM The tapping party was a blast.
The first one-off beer to runout was " Ale to the Chief ", lasted about 30 minutes. Sharon and I both tried many wonderful [drink] [drink] If you like hoppy IIPA's try " Hopsicle". I had a great Imperial Stout and a British Porter et al The last half of the evening was kinda of a blur ( good beers have that effect [laugh] ) [laugh] |