Title: FAQ-Page for tech and other stuff? Post by: RodeoClown on October 06, 2008, 12:01:37 PM I use to like this set up not sure if we can start something like this? It was definitely a great starting place for common questions. This may exist and I just haven't found it yet?
(http://lh4.ggpht.com/stgibson1/SOptcf1A7hI/AAAAAAAAAEM/xgBZ4ioOk-g/s720/FAQ_Tech.jpg) Just a thought. Title: Re: FAQ-Page for tech and other stuff? Post by: ducpainter on October 06, 2008, 02:17:57 PM We have a FAQ (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?board=18.0) section but it isn't isn't quite laid out like that.
That was Michael Moores' layout with many people contributing. I guess we're not that organized. Feel free to do a write up. Maybe when the section gets more populated with write ups we can organize it differently. Title: Re: FAQ-Page for tech and other stuff? Post by: Spidey on October 06, 2008, 10:49:09 PM The original Idea of the FAQ section was to do something similar to that page, but with subcategories (like the old board). The Tutorials are a different category and in a different section by design. They are good as completed articles, but they aren't organized in any specific fashion.
I think everyone's been too busy to get the FAQ section together. On TOB, it took a SHITLOAD of time. I literally spent weeks gathering threads for different topics. Btw, is it as obnoxious as I hope it is to quote myself? [cheeky] ll ll V <snip> 8. Consider asking a very small group of people to attend to the FAQ/How-To sections. They can keep an eye out for people to write up FAQs or How-Tos. They can also keep things organized. <snip> Title: Re: FAQ-Page for tech and other stuff? Post by: RodeoClown on October 07, 2008, 04:05:16 AM Thanks, could probably compile the list of other tech/how to sites? I am not sure my know-how is comprehensive enough to do a thorough FAQ page? But I def. think there are thrads out there that could probably be put in the FAQ section. Spidey I know your front tire example is a great thread! I also think there is a pretty good suspension thread that explains all the terms?
Thanks for being here and if I can help I am more than willing. I could compile stuff but would want someone to proof/ok before posting? Thanks again for being here and putting in the work [thumbsup] |