Title: Rizoma "confusion" Post by: M.N. on October 13, 2008, 12:41:12 PM I'm trying to mount some Rizoma "Confusion" bar end mirrors onto a set of LSL clip-ons. These were the model prior to the "reverse" mirrors. Stupidly, I didn't think to buy the Rizoma bar ends, but some LSL ones that are the same diameter as the bars instead.
I am wondering: 1 -> do I need to order the rizoma bar ends? 2 -> if I order these bar ends, do I also need to order Rizoma Grips? I would really prefer to keep the stock grips. Thanks in advance. [bacon] Title: Re: Rizoma "confusion" Post by: teddy037.2 on October 14, 2008, 08:06:31 AM the mirrors should come w/a variety of plastic sleeves to accomidate the dia of your barend.
rizoma ends aren't necessary, but I bought them at the same time as my mirrors (reverse retro), so... I have progrips, and they look just fine. no need to worry about changing yours |