Ducati Monster Forum

Kitchen Sink => Board Suggestions => Topic started by: roy-nexus-6 on May 09, 2008, 05:28:21 PM

Title: Better organized forum increases value as a resource center
Post by: roy-nexus-6 on May 09, 2008, 05:28:21 PM
Re Accessories and Mods.

I have an idea that will allow people to find Technical instructions on mods Much more easily than search allows.

At the TOP of the page, I think there should be a LOCKED thread called "common monster mods". It will contain a simple list:

tail chop
hidden indicators
hidden wiring
cored pipes
lowered headlight

Each item on the list is a hyperlink, leading to ANOTHER index page - eg the tail chop page leads to a page containing a links to the best 'how to' tail chops.

In effect, you are reinventing the wheel, and making an INDEX, much as you'd find in a book. SEARCH tends to spit out ALL posts mentioning tail chops - as the site grows, it will make it harder to find purely technical data.


Title: Re: Better organized forum increases value as a resource center
Post by: sqweak on May 10, 2008, 03:14:23 PM
you mean pretty much exactly how Michael Moore had the accessories/mod faq setup on TOB? ;D

We need the content first.  Once we have enough info that needs organizing, we'll certainly consider doing this (again ;))  On another note, some folks are working towards a monsterwiki, hopefully that will come out as a good resource too wt:

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