Title: Howdy! Post by: Bigbore4 on May 10, 2008, 09:19:39 AM Just getting on the bandwagon here with an intro. First, thanks for taking the time to get this board launched. I wasn't on TOB long (about a year) but it was great while it lasted. I am confident this will be the new place.
My Kid brought me to Monsters and the boards. He found one and after some months of work to get it running decent, '95 with less than 3k miles and years of siting, I rode it. It was FUN. I am a long time rider and my current ride was my FJR. The Monster brought back the rush of the ride back and forth to work and riding around town. So I had to find me one! Mine is a '96. I have the bike disease really bad, and have been riding for a few years and miles. We live in Minnesota with a short (very short so far this year!) riding season. Between my son and I we do all, and I mean all of our own work. That to me is part of the fun. I just picked up a No-Mar tire changer last fall, that will fix the last bit, taking the wheels in for mount and balance. Them radials were a bugger without a machine. I am not, and likely will not be a regular poster. I do come here nearly every day to see what's up, and I check the local board Maddog, to keep in touch. I have purchased numerous parts off the classifieds and look forward to continuing. I think that is possibly one of the best things here, the willingness of members to post up items at reasonable pricing to benefit other members. Probably the most words I have ever put up in a single post, I'll quit now and go back to lurking! Title: Re: Howdy! Post by: Rev. Millertime on May 10, 2008, 11:22:19 AM Where are ya in Minnesota?
Title: Re: Howdy! Post by: Bigbore4 on May 10, 2008, 03:16:08 PM I am in Andover in the north Metro. The Missus hails from Jimtown.
Title: Re: Howdy! Post by: Rev. Millertime on May 10, 2008, 05:06:43 PM I'm originally from Wadena, MN....
Lived in the metro area 4 years ago. Stumbled out of Pov's many nights. Title: Re: Howdy! Post by: Bigbore4 on May 10, 2008, 06:47:18 PM I am too old for Pov's anymore, but been there and done that!