Title: Saw 100 motorcycles today, any of them you? Post by: SaltLick on October 26, 2008, 03:51:18 PM I went up to the skyline area, havent been there for along time. From about 2-4pm today i saw about 100 motorcycles up there. I stopped and talked with a few guys that were hanging out in the germantown road/skyline interchange. 3 ducatis from ducati pacifica. Saw about 20 other monsters as well up there. Anyone??? Bueler?
Title: Re: Saw 100 motorcycles today, any of them you? Post by: NEIKOS on October 26, 2008, 04:27:17 PM Not I said Rabbit.
Title: Re: Saw 100 motorcycles today, any of them you? Post by: duc_fan on October 26, 2008, 05:33:56 PM Not I, though I was out enjoying the sunshine today, just in the SE part of town. [moto]
Title: Re: Saw 100 motorcycles today, any of them you? Post by: ryandalling on October 27, 2008, 08:42:43 AM I rode on Saturday... lots of fun... but Sunday... oye... did a short ride and almost got blown into traffic... it was WINDY. So, I stayed inside and restaged my sons PC. He likes to download viruses for fun. [bang]
Title: Re: Saw 100 motorcycles today, any of them you? Post by: duc_fan on October 27, 2008, 01:50:22 PM Yeah, my ride from Clackamas back to Wilsonville last night was kinda sucky... took a LOT more effort just to keep it between the lines. I must've looked like a drunk with how I kept leaning at changing angles... all while going straight. Was gettin' blown all over the place.
Title: Re: Saw 100 motorcycles today, any of them you? Post by: NEIKOS on October 27, 2008, 01:52:34 PM I thought it was just me. I kept looking at the lack of tree movement thinking to myself "Self, the wind ain't blowin that hard"
Title: Re: Saw 100 motorcycles today, any of them you? Post by: SaltLick on October 27, 2008, 02:27:41 PM On Sat i took about a 3hr ride up in the hills. The wind blew me into the oncoming lane once when i was going around a turn. Yeah riding in the wind sucks.
working with people you would otherwise have nothing to do with sucks as well. [bang] im ready to go home. Title: Re: Saw 100 motorcycles today, any of them you? Post by: NEIKOS on October 27, 2008, 02:32:35 PM . . . working with people you would otherwise have nothing to do with sucks as well. [bang] im ready to go home. A-make the beast with two backsing-men Brotha!!! [bow_down] Title: Re: Saw 100 motorcycles today, any of them you? Post by: JohnnyDucati on October 27, 2008, 04:49:50 PM Got an early start on Sunday morning - hit the road about 10:30 AM.
Very little traffic. I ventured into the wilds of Estacada, Sandy, Corbett, and yes, don't laugh, Crown Point. Windy? Lawdy, it were blowing hard. When I parked the bike at Crown Point, i had to sit back on it because the wind was wobbling it on the kickstand. My ol' windsurfing instincts tell me that it was blowing 30 to 40 mph up there . . . It was also funny to watch the tourists try to walk up the stairs into the round house thingy. They had to lean over 45 degrees to keep from blowing away, kind of like the intrepid TV journalist reporting from the heart of the hurricane hee hee! Met 2 guys with a 1098S and 696 who showed up right after I did - we didn't stick around and left before we blew away. Definitely calmer down in the valley. Fun day & got done early. J Title: Re: Saw 100 motorcycles today, any of them you? Post by: duc_fan on October 27, 2008, 05:36:36 PM working with people you would otherwise have nothing to do with sucks as well. [bang] im ready to go home. +11tyB. Title: Re: Saw 100 motorcycles today, any of them you? Post by: marvellous on October 28, 2008, 08:42:22 AM Not I... have to get my "Official Hippie" License before I can ride again (plates expired in Sept), then I can go register it in ORYGUN... Took the tests on my Bday and then when they told me it'd cost me $150+, I realized I don't just carry that much cash on me (nor the checkbook)... *shrugs* Maybe this week...