Title: MotoCorsa Fashion Event Tomorrow - Anyone Going? Post by: NEIKOS on October 28, 2008, 07:03:32 PM Anyone?
Title: Re: MotoCorsa Fashion Event Tomorrow - Anyone Going? Post by: JohnnyDucati on October 28, 2008, 07:23:22 PM I will go with you, Chuck. But I will deny it afterwards . . . ;D
Title: Re: MotoCorsa Fashion Event Tomorrow - Anyone Going? Post by: NEIKOS on October 28, 2008, 08:36:00 PM Ha ha ha!
Title: Re: MotoCorsa Fashion Event Tomorrow - Anyone Going? Post by: bnbmike on October 28, 2008, 10:05:16 PM Fashion! turn to the left
Fashion! turn to the right Oooh, fashion! We are the DMFers and were coming to town Beep-beep Beep-beep Title: Re: MotoCorsa Fashion Event Tomorrow - Anyone Going? Post by: Mother on October 28, 2008, 10:18:35 PM Fashion! turn to the left Fashion! turn to the right Oooh, fashion! We are the DMFers and were coming to town Beep-beep Beep-beep he scares me Title: Re: MotoCorsa Fashion Event Tomorrow - Anyone Going? Post by: duc_fan on October 29, 2008, 11:39:52 AM Okay, I have no idea what was just happening, so I'm gonna pretend it didn't happen...
Anyway, that's a 5-min walk from work, so if I'm not otherwise occupied, I'll probably stop in for a bit. Otherwise I'll be in the lab learning the HUD for this (so I can do testing on it next week): (http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/images/AIR_C-130J_lg.jpg) (http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/images/AIR_C-130J_lg.jpg) (http://www.ae.gatech.edu/people/ejohnson/c130j_fd.jpg) (http://www.ae.gatech.edu/people/ejohnson/c130j_fd.jpg) Dooood... the glass for that thing is HUGE. It's like... a High-Def HUD. HUD-HD. Or the HD-HUD. Whatever... it's a friggin huge display. Gotta love beasty military hardware. [evil] Title: Re: MotoCorsa Fashion Event Tomorrow - Anyone Going? Post by: ryandalling on October 29, 2008, 12:52:59 PM What are the details on the whole fashion thing? I could perhaps get me wife to go with me.
Title: Re: MotoCorsa Fashion Event Tomorrow - Anyone Going? Post by: duc_fan on October 29, 2008, 03:08:59 PM 4pm-7pm
Mario's 3.10 in Bridgeport Village Cold beer, displays of men's clothing and accessories (including MotoCorsa watches by EP Martin), displays of Ducati motorcycles, music by Ian James and DJ Elegal. I'll probably walk over there around 5... Title: Re: MotoCorsa Fashion Event Tomorrow - Anyone Going? Post by: JohnnyDucati on October 29, 2008, 04:59:13 PM whoops. Glad I didn't go because I thought this thing was at the bike shop.
Anybody go? If so, please provide full write up with pics! ;D Title: Re: MotoCorsa Fashion Event Tomorrow - Anyone Going? Post by: duc_fan on October 29, 2008, 05:56:08 PM No pics, not that kind of event. Was much lower-key than I figured. It was basically just a high-end fashion store, the only "special" thing was free hors d'oeuvres, wine, sparkling water, and Corona or some kind of Italian beer. I refuse to drink Corona... so I had the Italian beer. I dunno... wasn't anything to write home about, but bear in mind I'm the kind of guy who'd rather have a Guinness (on tap).
The EP Martin watches were really cool from an engineering perspective, and very practical with their removable "brush guard" that doubled as a stylistic accent. However... the back said "Swiss Movement", which is all fien and dandy, but also said "Made in PRC". Last time I checked, that's the People's Republic of China. Umm, yeah, if I pay any more than, say, $30 for a wrist instrument, that wanker had better be made someplace more reputable than China. Otherwise they were some cool-looking watches. Had a couple of rather attractive ladies try to sell me a pair of $300 jeans they made in their studio in NY... I was tempted, until I thought about my last credit card statement, and the fact my trackbike project is currently an outstanding balance on said card. I asked if the jeans were normally there at Mario's, and they are, so I said I need to bring my far more fashion-conscious brother to check 'em out first, since being a rocket scientist doesn't exactly equate to style-consciousness. So anyway, if you like free imported beer, and wanted to browse through $200 dollar shirts and $300 jeans with a selection of Ducatis parked nearby and some good music playing, you missed out. ;) For the rest of us mere mortals, probably wouldn't have been worth the gas to get there and back. I only went because it was walking distance from work, and I figured it was a good excuse to take a break for an hour. Now... back to studying the C-130J HUD test procedures... |