Title: Flame On! Everybody roast teh n00b... Post by: dropstharockalot on May 10, 2008, 10:56:18 AM Dropstharockalot, aka "Al"
West Side of Indianapolis, Indiana - I can throw a rock and hit Turn One at IMS 96 M900, modded and wadded 5+ years riding, with a 5-year layoff since last bike Bought too much bike for my skill level, so I've been becoming adept at replacing clutch levers and bar-end mirrors Married almost a decade, two kids. Loves dogs, allergic to cats Works for the government by day, tends bar on the weekends. Budding Landlord in my spare (ha!) time. Also joined HoosierHooligans Huge fan of the rock band Clutch... www.pro-rock.com, I'm laying waste to their forum under the same name daily. Count on me to ask the most ignorant, uninformed questions ever, and to not understand your thorough, well-stated answer 'cuz I'm thick like that. Thanks in advance for you advice and patience! DTRAL Title: Re: Flame On! Everybody roast teh n00b... Post by: Rev. Millertime on May 10, 2008, 11:02:45 AM Welcome! be::
No need for flaming. |