Title: Cored pipes...Daddy likey!! Post by: topangster on October 29, 2008, 10:20:39 PM Just put a set of cored stockers on my s2r 1K. Wow! What a difference. Bike is MUCH more responsive, and sound is great. Not as loud as Termis or Arrows, but a much deeper, bass rumble and really sings when on the throttle.
I'm running with a Spark mid pipe, removed udder, and RapidBike 02 Emulator. Bike is much, much smoother than stock, especially at lower RPMs, and seems to have much more punch through the rev range. No dyno, that's just my butt talking, but I assure y'all, it's a significant difference. Total cost: RB 02 Emulator $200; Spark midpipe (used) $200; set of cored pipes $50; total: $450. And I bet the Fat Duc 02 Manipulator does the same thing as the RB unit, and it only costs $90. Probably not as good as a set of Termis and the DP ECU, but a far sight mo' bettah than stock, for a fraction of the cost... Title: Re: Cored pipes...Daddy likey!! Post by: booger on October 30, 2008, 05:25:41 AM I have a Quat-D midpipe w/ DP ECU & airbox and partially cored stock cans, ceramic coated. I say partially cored because only the last maybe 2 to 3 inches of the inside of the can was removed; the main internal baffle remains. Cans were painted with several coats of Rust Oleum BBQ grill paint. I recommend this paint highly. It has a very nice even matte finish when done carefully with the proper preparation, and fairly durable.
After the shop tuned everything I can't really tell the difference in power delivery from stock ECU/udder & partially cored. I can't really say from a seat of the pants perspective if it's got more power or not. Maybe I'm just getting used to it. ??? However the sound is really cool. Got the carbon Termis that came with the ECU still sitting in the box. (http://i413.photobucket.com/albums/pp211/doofwop/Picture.jpg) |