Title: 696 Premiere Post by: ROBsS4R on May 10, 2008, 02:50:20 PM I Just got a really nice Flyer from Modesto Ducati. They are going to have their 696 premiere next weekend May 16th & 17th I wonder if any other closer dealers will be showing the 696 that weekend as well? Title: Re: 696 Premiere Post by: deadley on May 12, 2008, 10:38:14 AM I was at Hattar yesterday and they reckon by the weekend they will have one.
Title: Re: 696 Premiere Post by: johnc on May 12, 2008, 12:02:40 PM i would venture a guess that ducati north america might have a few 696 monsters on display at the infineon ama races this weekend, in the ducati hospitality area.
Title: Re: 696 Premiere Post by: ROBsS4R on May 12, 2008, 01:14:58 PM I Just a e-mail from Honda Ducati Peninsula and it looks like they are showing one this Friday evening. Title: Re: 696 Premiere Post by: r_ciao on May 13, 2008, 12:12:52 PM ace motorsports is supposed to have one, but it's already pre-sold. so unless the new owner picks it up as soon as it lands at the dealership, we are all s.o.l. i guess the same goes for all dealerships. check the ducati north america website. it has all of the participating dealers listed.