Title: Side mount damper options Post by: Tony. on November 03, 2008, 05:59:22 PM I had to remove my Arrow top mount steering damper on my 08 S2R 1000 since I am installing risers (in the for sale section). I know Ohlins makes a side mount damper, what are my other options and who sells them? There seem to be a lot listed, but not many for an 08 S2R 1000.
Thanks in advance. Title: Re: Side mount damper options Post by: jesse370 on November 03, 2008, 08:57:16 PM Is that considered the new frame?
Title: Re: Side mount damper options Post by: spinned on November 03, 2008, 09:18:44 PM here is the Ohlins on the S2R1000
(http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2147/2544504008_a4845c78d1.jpg?v=0) Title: Re: Side mount damper options Post by: jesse370 on November 03, 2008, 09:21:50 PM I just installed this on my Rs
hyperpro http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=14271.0 (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=14271.0) Title: Re: Side mount damper options Post by: Norm on November 04, 2008, 05:31:17 AM IF you're going to use a side mount (which I recommend against), be sure to mount it so the adjusting knob faces rearward on the left side. That way it easy to adjust on the fly.
Title: Re: Side mount damper options Post by: LA on November 04, 2008, 09:34:08 AM I use an Ohlins side mount on the left mounted like the one in the pic above. Although I don't adjust it on the fly, I find the left forward placement like pictured better; for one you need your throttle hand on the throttle.
Side mount is better for handle bar choice too isn't it? LA Title: Re: Side mount damper options Post by: ghostface on November 04, 2008, 11:57:45 AM I had the Ohlins side mount but didn't like it. I tested it on a lone straight away over 100 mph and had headshake on the lightest setting. I then stiffened the resistance and the motorcycle didn't like that either. I actually planned on buying a used one here but missed out, which might have been a bonus.
A buddy told me a steering damper is a band aid for improperly set up suspension. I suggest you start there. I recently had my suspension dialed in for me at a track day and the bike handled like never before, even at speeds exceeding 100 mph. Have the bike set up by a professional to your weight (gear included.) Heal the scar first. Title: Re: Side mount damper options Post by: jesse370 on November 04, 2008, 01:30:10 PM I had the Ohlins side mount but didn't like it. I tested it on a lone straight away over 100 mph and had headshake on the lightest setting. I then stiffened the resistance and the motorcycle didn't like that either. I actually planned on buying a used one here but missed out, which might have been a bonus. A buddy told me a steering damper is a band aid for improperly set up suspension. I suggest you start there. I recently had my suspension dialed in for me at a track day and the bike handled like never before, even at speeds exceeding 100 mph. Have the bike set up by a professional to your weight (gear included.) Heal the scar first. The ghost is right, before I had my suspension dialed the bike had the monster wiggle big time. Now it still does once in a while but its not the handful it once was. Now it just helps more if I make a mistake with the throttle and pick the front up when I'm not expecting it, hit a ripple of shitty pavement or just do something that pisses the bike off. But while I was riding around waiting to have my issue with my failed DP damper I DID miss having one. |