I've pretty much decided to paint the flyscreen, tank, and seat cowl Ducati green on my 695. I like the retro look so I'm planning on using these on the tank:
Unfortunately, I can't seem to locate a smaller version of this logo for the seat cowl. The colors are black frame, some gold anodized parts, and the green paintwork. I'd like a smaller version on the back of the seat cowl, but am open to suggestions.
Any advice from the modders out there?
What exactly is the question? Not 100% sure I follw but if it is is
How to make the cowl look? If so:
1. Painted number plates that reflect your color schema - perhaps white filed with a gold border
2. Use only the word mark from that logo you showed as a graphic element - aka use just the outlines 'ducati' letters
3. Don't worry about it.. and just paint the tail green
4. Do something based on photos of older race livery paint jobs
I am about to get my bike a make over as well. I had kind of the same idea for the cowl and was running into the same issue. I know that decal shops can hand make decals but I dont know how difficult it would be to make one that detailed but it is worth contacting a shop or two. Try tapeworks I know they have a good rep.
Sorry I wan't clear about my question.
I want to have some logo on the back end of the seat cowl. I would like to use a small version of the moto Ducati decals in the first post but I cannot locate any that are smaller than 6" wide. Does anyone have a source for smaller versions of these decals?
Or, does anyone have a different suggestion for a decal or logo to go on the seat cowl that would complement these? Remember the bike's frame is black, the screen, tank and seat cowl will be green, and there are some gold anodized parts.
Thanks in advance.
A small version will look tiny and the tiny'ness will dominate. It won't look "right". That's the clearest I can manage to express myself.
+1 on the "DUCATI" letters from the same logo - picking up/following the theme, but not a scaled down copy.
If the eagles are going on the tank as well the same logo might look a little off on the cowl too. to keep the same how about centering something like this on the cowl. (http://inlinethumb45.webshots.com/43756/2613281610102750601S200x200Q85.jpg) (http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/2613281610102750601hTYwqZ)