Title: Exhaust system colour - cerramic coat to fix? Post by: killerniceguy on November 09, 2008, 06:59:59 PM My bike currently has a Leo Vince Ti can with a Ti pipe to the marving mid pipe connected to the stock Ducati manifolds. This creates a three colour combo under the bike. Ti - metalic brown, stainless - silver and OEM - steel brown.
Does anybody have any pics of a 1 colour system either through powder coating or ceramic coating? Will powder coating hold up to the heat or must it be ceramic? I would post a pic of my bike as it is now but it is at the shop getting the Speedymoto clipons/triple installed with the SBK forks [thumbsup] KNG S2R800 Title: Re: Exhaust system colour - cerramic coat to fix? Post by: Bbrent on November 09, 2008, 07:22:25 PM I don't have mind coated but I've read Ceramic coating is the best way to go with the exhaust. Powder coating probably won't hold up. I've also heard of people spray painting them with Barbeque paint with good results.
Title: Re: Exhaust system colour - cerramic coat to fix? Post by: mmakay on November 09, 2008, 09:52:40 PM Regular powder coating absolutely won't work.
Title: Re: Exhaust system colour - cerramic coat to fix? Post by: Travman on November 10, 2008, 09:43:22 AM They do make high temp powdercoating that can take a lot of heat. It would probably work on the mufflers, but I wouldn't think it would have any chance on the head pipe. Ceramic coating is the way to go.
Jet Hot will give you a free estimate: http://www.jet-hot.com/motorcycles.html Title: Re: Exhaust system colour - cerramic coat to fix? Post by: MotoCreations on November 10, 2008, 11:41:21 AM note -- most exhaust coatings that withstand greater than 1500 deg will work -- ie: ceramics, VHT, etc. Regular powdercoating won't do it for the headers.
Reminder -- none of the coating methods will withstand multiple dyno runs or hardcore racing. Inevitably the first few inches will either discolor or "go flat" in terms of color (or burn off) due to the excess heat generated. Not a problem for street ridng enthusiasts though. Title: Re: Exhaust system colour - cerramic coat to fix? Post by: Grrrly on November 10, 2008, 04:00:19 PM Not sure why but I haven't had success with ceramic coating staying on my headers. Not sure if it's something in the air in NYC [cheeky], or the gravel & pothole strewn roads I ride, but the coating doesn't last more than 6-9 months for me. Don't go by my experience, I seem to be the exception.... don't know why.
I'm currently on a second coating which has worn off, so this winter I'm wrapping my headers instead. ;) this is what my header looked like this past April, about a year after these headers were coated... :-X (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3293/3020824772_559ec54745_o.jpg) Title: Re: Exhaust system colour - cerramic coat to fix? Post by: Bogie on November 11, 2008, 09:54:12 AM Interesting because I have gotten the ceramic coating from HJC and I didn't have any of those problems. My only problem was the rear set rubbed against the pipe and caused me to lose some coating. I will try and post pics later.