Title: Motard handguards on 696? Post by: MyPetmonster on November 10, 2008, 09:40:06 AM Is it possible?
(http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a74/kikgirl99/hypermotard_mirror_bar_deta.jpg) (http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a74/kikgirl99/DSC00484.jpg) Title: Re: Motard handguards on 696? Post by: lazarus7 on November 10, 2008, 11:46:16 AM "possible" isnt the question to ask....
feasible and economical..... not really.... look at the brake system on the handlebars.... on the 696 youll notice 2 big rectangular boxes those are the fluid reservoirs that contain the brake and clutch fluid.... notice on the hyper the completely different system with radial valves and smaller, remote reservoirs....??? i wonder if they will clear the upper inner edges of the handguards.... seems to me , if you want those handguards, youll have to setup those brakes as well.... not that thats a bad thing....;) [evil] just a little more $$$$$$ just for a little wind protection....:P then again, with no personal experience with those guards, i could be completely off base............................................ Title: Re: Motard handguards on 696? Post by: moto on November 10, 2008, 11:49:11 AM How about this one:
Acerbis Dual Road Handguard (http://www.motowheels.com/italian/myproducts.cfm?parentcategoryid=853%7CMisc%2E%20Parts%3A%20Italian&productID=6733&showDetail=1&categoryID=858|Ducati%20Monster%20Misc&vendoridtodisplay=0&filterFor=&collection=168%7CEuropean%20Motorcycle%20Parts) (http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e344/Motowheelscom/Ducati%20696%20parts/acerbis_gaurd.jpg) (http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e344/Motowheelscom/Ducati%20696%20parts/acerbis_gaurd2.jpg) Title: Re: Motard handguards on 696? Post by: Takster on November 10, 2008, 11:54:47 AM How about this one: Acerbis Dual Road Handguard (http://www.motowheels.com/italian/myproducts.cfm?parentcategoryid=853%7CMisc%2E%20Parts%3A%20Italian&productID=6733&showDetail=1&categoryID=858|Ducati%20Monster%20Misc&vendoridtodisplay=0&filterFor=&collection=168%7CEuropean%20Motorcycle%20Parts) OOOhhh... LED-licious. Title: Re: Motard handguards on 696? Post by: MyPetmonster on November 10, 2008, 12:39:11 PM :D
Title: Re: Motard handguards on 696? Post by: lazarus7 on November 10, 2008, 01:23:22 PM dammit, stop that.
how much of my money do you want, anyway....?:P very cool. |