Title: I just stumbled in from the other board Post by: Kilgore Trout on May 11, 2008, 04:38:05 AM I was mostly a lerker on the old board with very few posts. May I lerk here also.
Kilgore from northern Wisconsin 03 1000 Monster Gray+ Red Title: Re: I just stumbled in from the other board Post by: Rev. Millertime on May 11, 2008, 07:06:31 AM C'mon now, what fun is being a lurker?
Posting here and causing mischef is what keeps me sane when the weather is crap. Where you located in northern wisconsin? My sister lives in Two Harbors, MN and I'm planning a trip up the north shore this summer.... hoping to recruit a few monsters for the ride. Title: Re: I just stumbled in from the other board Post by: spinned on May 13, 2008, 08:59:35 PM lurking is fine, but posting is better.
welcome |