Title: Checking Out The Scene Post by: DesmosDromos on May 11, 2008, 05:45:38 AM So, I'm DesmosDromos (AKA Der_Kommissar, AKA Dave) another DML refugee from DeVal Mostro.
I'm in the Philly suburbs and currently ride a 2003 Aprilia SL1000 Falco. I've been riding for about 3 years and started on a Monster 620 which I had when I joined to old DML. I lowsided it and bent the frame at the end of last season which is why I've got the Falco now. I dunno how much time I'll spend over here vs. at devalmostro.net, but I wanted to lock up my screen name as I know I'll have a Monster again at some point. All the best with the new board. I can't believe what happened over at the DML! :P Title: Re: Checking Out The Scene Post by: Rev. Millertime on May 11, 2008, 07:03:35 AM Just because you don't currently have a monster doesn't mean you can't join in the mayhem.
[beer] Title: Re: Checking Out The Scene Post by: lauramonster on May 11, 2008, 01:04:38 PM See Dave, mayhem everywhere!! Now there's two boards we cause trouble on.... [evil]