Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Riding Techniques => Topic started by: Monstermonkey on November 18, 2008, 09:47:56 AM

Title: Worst pass ever
Post by: Monstermonkey on November 18, 2008, 09:47:56 AM
This happened a few weeks ago at a track day at Miller Motorsports Park in Utah.  We are riding in the "B" group, not racing, mind you.  Rules for passing mandate a 6' buffer zone around all bikes. 

Fast forward 11 minutes in and the rider with the camera follows me for about a lap before the incident.  By the way, I'm on my SV, not the Monster.

http://www.vholdr.com/node/5930 (http://www.vholdr.com/node/5930)

Title: Re: Worst pass ever
Post by: OverCaffeinated on November 18, 2008, 11:36:01 AM
I don't think that even qualifies as being called a pass.

I didn't see the end of the video. Everybody ok? Any fisticuffs?

Title: Re: Worst pass ever
Post by: Spidey on November 18, 2008, 11:43:14 AM
Ouch.  Was that you that went splat?

Title: Re: Worst pass ever
Post by: MadDuck on November 19, 2008, 08:59:42 AM
I may have to watch it a few times more but it looked like the inside, slower rider moved out into the path of the overtaking outside rider. Looked like he didn't even know the outside guy was there.

Title: Re: Worst pass ever
Post by: ScottRNelson on November 20, 2008, 06:08:24 AM
Okay, the action occurs at about 12:35 in the video.  Could someone edit it down to the 20 seconds of relevant action?

I don't understand how a little bump like that would cause a bike to go down.  I could see if the bike were bumped on the right side so that it hit the front brake lever, but the bike going down was bumped from the left.

Still, I don't see why the overtaking rider was so close.  But I saw less than six feet for several other passes in that video too.

Any explanation for why the bumpee went down?

Title: Re: Worst pass ever
Post by: Speeddog on November 20, 2008, 08:14:34 AM
Looked like the passing rider snagged the end of the other rider's bar as he went by, front wheel went to the right and bike went down on the left side.

Passing rider's obligation to make it a clean pass... and he had plenty of speed over the other rider, he could have done the pass with 6' of clearance with no problem.

And it wasn't a race....

Title: Re: Worst pass ever
Post by: TAftonomos on November 22, 2008, 07:20:45 AM
And crap like that is why riding in the "B" group is a bad idea.

Title: Re: Worst pass ever
Post by: Monstermonkey on November 22, 2008, 10:43:50 PM
It was me who went "Splat."  In the "B" group yo are supposed to keep a 6 foot safety bubble around other bikes and only pass if it's safe.  The rider passing me obviously did not follow these rules.  It happened so fast that I just remember his thigh hitting my bar. 

As far as fisticuffs, when I returned from the E.R. spaced out on Morphine and arm in a sling, the guy came over and introduced himself as "the guy I ran into."  If I could have mustered a punch I would have but instead told him to get the hell away from me.  A few days later the video was posted online and he saw it and realized that he was at fault.  He actually tracked down my phone number and called me.  He apologized for his mistake and offered to pay for my damages.  I sent him an itemized list of things damaged in the crash and a few days later he drove to my house and brought me a check.  It still doesn't make up for lost wages but it does somewhat restore my faith in humanity.   

If anyone can chop the video down please do and send it tom me.  I also have a short clip from the camera on my bike: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdNTwG_2OEI

Title: Re: Worst pass ever
Post by: ducnymph on November 25, 2008, 09:11:54 PM
So sorry to see your crash. It makes me wonder why would that other rider do that. You were clearly swiped from the left because he was just too aggressive.

That being said get well soon ;). At least he apologized and paid for the damages [clap]

Title: Re: Worst pass ever
Post by: duc996 on November 25, 2008, 09:45:54 PM
Good man for taking responsiblity for his make the beast with two backs up. [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Worst pass ever
Post by: Ducatista on November 28, 2008, 07:42:27 AM
It's pretty common for people who cause crashes to believe it is the other rider's fault until they're presented with evidence.  I cornerwork, and it happens all the time.  Lots of times, my visitors will ask what happened.  When I tell them what I saw, I usually see a light bulb turn on.  Whenever you crash, find out the name of the cornerworker who helps you up, and ask them what they saw.  You'll always learn a lot if they ride themselves. 

I'm glad the other rider was so good about repaying you.  Most don't.  They aren't obligated to repay you. 

Title: Re: Worst pass ever
Post by: Smitch on November 28, 2008, 03:57:36 PM
BIG thumbs up to the guy for apologizing and paying damages.  That takes a real man.  Your injuries are unfortunate, but that's a risk we all take.  He did you better than most people would have.

Title: Re: Worst pass ever
Post by: DirtyDuc on December 15, 2008, 01:50:25 PM
I feel your anger man.  It sounds like the other guy isn't a 'bad guy' just a 'bad rider'.  Either way, I know it's still frustrating for you to have to feel the pain for someone else's mistake.

I hope you get well soon!! 

Title: Re: Worst pass ever
Post by: EvilSteve on December 16, 2008, 11:30:39 AM
Doesn't make him a bad rider either IMO. He made a mistake, we all do it.

Hope you heal up quick and fix the bike too.  [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Worst pass ever
Post by: DirtyDuc on December 17, 2008, 11:58:44 AM
...He made a mistake, we all do it...

You're right. 

Title: Re: Worst pass ever
Post by: ghosthound on December 31, 2008, 12:53:24 PM
kudos to him for owning up to it after being presented with the video.   He could have easily disappeared and never said anything.  sucks that you had to go down and whatnot but its comforting to know that their are people out there who are willing to own up to their actions without any legal "pursuading"

Title: Re: Worst pass ever
Post by: Capo on January 01, 2009, 03:23:19 AM
If you do trackdays, this can happen. Even though it's not a race, many treat it as such and some ride beyond their capabilities with scant regard for others. Stuart from Spareshack was badly injured after getting taken out at a trackday.

I always ride in the novice group, avoiding the hot shot egos.

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