I hope "someone" (DucPainter?) will fill in the blanks, but my local paint shop told me about the new product. Normal 2 component paint, which usually almost hardens in the can before you get home. Now, they fixed that by containing the hardener component in a built-in ampule which is triggered/released just before you start spraying.
It sounds like a good idea for small rattle can amateur paint jobs.
Sorry, nothing to add about manufacturer, brand, price, pictures or experience.
Feel free to add your knowledge.........
I've used these products and was pretty please with the results.
http://www.kwasny.de/45.0.html?&L=1 (http://www.kwasny.de/45.0.html?&L=1)
They also has a a pretty good shelf life once mixed.
The price was reasonable.
A substitute for a true 2k. :-\