Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Accessories & Mods => Topic started by: Grappa on May 11, 2008, 03:45:40 PM

Title: Emissions removal.
Post by: Grappa on May 11, 2008, 03:45:40 PM
I have a 2001 M900S i.e. and the previous owner must have removed the carbon canister because I have never seen it.  However, he left the tubing in place that connects each of the intake ducts, then proceeds along the frame towards back of bike, where it then would have connected to the missing canister.  I bought screws to go into the holes where the tubes connect to the intake ducts, but need to put some kind of silicone ??? on the screws first, to prevent a vacuum leak.  I have a marine/auto 100% silicone tube that says it can withstand up to 400 degrees F.  Is that high enough, being that the intake duct is connected directly to the head? 

Title: Re: Emissions removal.
Post by: Mr Earl on May 11, 2008, 04:03:47 PM
Another option - that allows easy TB syncing w/o replacing the machine screws with the original tube fittings - is to use silicone caps from www.mcmaster.com (http://www.mcmaster.com) to cap the existing fittings.  They fit nice and snug and take the temperatures with no problem.

Except then the friggin' dealer mechanic loses the silicone ones and replaces them with POS plain rubber ones... [bang] so buy several [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Emissions removal.
Post by: Grappa on May 11, 2008, 04:09:39 PM
Mr.Earl, that is one of the alternatives that I was interested in!  Do you have a part number, looks like a huge site with many options.

Title: Re: Emissions removal.
Post by: MuscovyDuc on May 11, 2008, 05:29:54 PM
Just connect one of the tubes to the other throttle body. Thats what I did, I got that info off TOB a couple weeks before the fall ;D

Title: Re: Emissions removal.
Post by: Grappa on May 11, 2008, 05:50:17 PM
Yeah I could do that but I want to get rid of all the tubing possible.

Title: Re: Emissions removal.
Post by: Mr Earl on May 11, 2008, 07:01:11 PM
Mr.Earl, that is one of the alternatives that I was interested in!  Do you have a part number, looks like a huge site with many options.

If you type "silicone tube caps" into the search window on the left side of the page, you'll get a page showing lots of diameters of silicone tube caps, strangely enough.  Mcmaster doesn't let you link to a specific page, or I'd provide that.  The part number to fit 1/4" OD is 92805K14, but see below.

I bought 2 diameters, one of which turned out to be just right, the other a little large.  Trouble is, I don't know now which diameters I bought!  Sorry... [roll]  They're very flexible, so err on the small side.

They come too long, you'll have to trim with scissors for a perfect fit.

Title: Re: Emissions removal.
Post by: dlearl476 on May 11, 2008, 09:08:40 PM
I actually just de-cannistered mine today, in the process of installing FCRs.  I took my nipples out and replaced them with stainless steel allen head screws.  I'll keep the nipples in the container with my other carb adjust nipples.

Title: Re: Emissions removal.
Post by: Mr Earl on May 12, 2008, 04:51:22 AM
...I took my nipples out and replaced them with stainless steel allen head screws...

Ouch! ;)

Title: Re: Emissions removal.
Post by: CDawg on May 12, 2008, 12:59:07 PM
I bought screws to go into the holes where the tubes connect to the intake ducts, but need to put some kind of silicone ??? on the screws first, to prevent a vacuum leak.

Are you sure?I just removed nipples, put some medium loctite on the screw and installed it.  No problem so far.

Title: Re: Emissions removal.
Post by: uclabiker06 on May 14, 2008, 09:01:22 AM
Except then the friggin' dealer mechanic loses the silicone ones and replaces them with POS plain rubber ones...

Thats b/s, dude.

Title: Re: Emissions removal.
Post by: Mr Earl on May 14, 2008, 03:59:58 PM
Thats b/s, dude.

Yep.  They spilled brake fluid on the case, too - didn't see it until I rode it home.  I'm doing all my own work from now on.  Bastards.

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