Title: Retrofit a tail chop question??? Post by: Ademoraes on December 01, 2008, 02:34:14 PM Hi everyone! Has anybody retrofitted a tail chop???I know, I know... some of you are probably thinking what is he talking about??? Is he crazy??? Well, I actually do like the Monster tail...
The reason I'm asking is because I'm planning on buying an used 05 M1000s, which has a tail, and I would like to be able to retrofit the tail. I know... very weird... but maybe there are people out there that also like the tail and have done this. If you guys have any comments/experience please let me know! Also, if anyone is planning on doing a tail chop and will toss the piece left over parts, please let me know! I'll be glad to pick it up!!! Thanks! Title: Re: Retrofit a tail chop question??? Post by: Slide Panda on December 01, 2008, 07:21:59 PM I have a recollection of someone actually modding up a modular tail chop - even nuttier. But if you got you hands on a chopped off tail, it would be pretty easy to put back in place.
The non welding way would be to: Clean up both sides of the joints Find some tubing or pipe sturdy enough for the job w/ an OD just smaller than the ID of the frame tubes - cut 2 2" sections Drill holes 1/2" from each end of the tube and same for the frame bits. Bolt it all up. Welding, you'd probably end up with some bit of tube inside to act as a guide. You'd have to clean the joint and bevel each side of the frame tubes, all the way round. Then get to welding Title: Re: Retrofit a tail chop question??? Post by: Ademoraes on December 02, 2008, 11:41:04 AM I had thought about the non weldding method you described. I just wonder if anybody has done that!!!
Thanks for the input anyway! [thumbsup] Title: Re: Retrofit a tail chop question??? Post by: scott_araujo on December 02, 2008, 10:00:00 PM http://www.ducatimonster.org/forums/accessories-mods/178739-tail-un-chop.html (http://www.ducatimonster.org/forums/accessories-mods/178739-tail-un-chop.html)
Scott Title: Re: Retrofit a tail chop question??? Post by: Ademoraes on December 03, 2008, 10:53:05 AM Hi Scott! Thanks for your post, that's exactly what I had in mind. I just like the fact that the monsters look slightly longer with the tail. Plus, it's nice to keep some water off our backs when riding in the rain!
Cheers, [thumbsup] Anderson |