Title: HA-HA: I googled your Fighting the Man Post by: NORCAL510 on December 04, 2008, 09:55:02 PM So abot 6mo ago i got 3 tickets in 1 month... [2 x speeding, 1 x unsafe lane change]
Fought/fighting all 3 "trial by written declaration": score Me = 2 The Man = Undecided = 1 i'm so stoked! yeeha. it works!! Title: Re: HA-HA: I googled your Fighting the Man Post by: mostrobelle on December 04, 2008, 11:54:54 PM So abot 6mo ago i got 3 tickets in 1 month... Don't you just get tarred and feathered at this point? Or thrown in jail wearing no pants and a pink t-shirt that reads, "Shirley?" Does your insurance co. send you a letter with a picture of someone giving you the finger instead of a bill? [laugh] Title: Re: HA-HA: I googled your Fighting the Man Post by: desmoquattro on December 05, 2008, 08:06:08 AM Don't you just get tarred and feathered at this point? Or thrown in jail wearing no pants and a pink t-shirt that reads, "Shirley?" Does your insurance co. send you a letter with a picture of someone giving you the finger instead of a bill? [laugh] No, Spidey show up at your door on a Saturday night looking for love. Title: Re: HA-HA: I googled your Fighting the Man Post by: NORCAL510 on December 05, 2008, 08:31:46 AM this is AMERICA, guilty until proven... ooops, innocent until proven guilty [moto]
don't be jealous [evil] (http://media.ebaumsworld.com/picture/Drewshbag/AmericaTheBeautifulDe-Motivational.JPG) |