Title: Hi from Spokane, Wa Post by: SILENTCOREY on May 11, 2008, 08:52:07 PM Hey all. just found this forum and happy to be here.
Little about myself, I live in the northwest-Spokane, Wa. Currently ride a 2006 Ducati Monster S2R 800, Tangerine with black stripe, and I love it. I say currently because my financial situation has improved a bit so I may upgrade to the S4RS soon. I've been riding off and on for many years so I don't have an accurate estimate. I can say though I don't plan on stopping for a long time. I find riding is one of the things I enjoy most in life, even if its only my daily commute to work and back. Title: Re: Hi from Spokane, Wa Post by: Scottish on May 11, 2008, 08:59:36 PM Welcome I was born up there. Fairchild AFB actually. [thumbsup]